Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 After eight years training with Cleo, Jay and I passed the banner over to Saxon tonight.

New trainer, new regime. 

And okay, he's twelve. He's not really twelve, but when you're training two women old enough to be your Mum (and nearly old enough to be your Nana), we think he looks 12. And he's got the giggle of a twelve-year-old, which is sort of endearing. So, I think I'll be referring to him by his new blog name of Twelve. Besides, Saxon is the name of a hipster. 

But he's trainable, like all good kids. And we like that. It's sort of like when you obtain a new puppy. Both sides need to show their boundaries. 

He's learning what we want in a trainer. Our first ask is to keep us moving at all times. Treat us like a hyperactive five-year-old. Tire us out without breaking us. That's want we want. 

"We're stronger and tougher than you think we are," we told him. 

He tells us to do leg presses - and the other one can rest. The one resting will be doing body weight squats, without being told. To keep moving. 

We did seated rows. An extra weight was added each round of 12. He said ten reps, but we're used to doing twelve. 

We told him repeatedly that we either do twelve or fifteen reps. Not ten. It's twelve. 

He kept asking how many more reps could we do after a round.

"Lots," we said with a smile. 

Chest presses with the dumbbells were next. Again, we were told the one not doing the reps could rest. Nah. We found a barbell and did some light bicep curls. And he amped up the weights, because we could still do more. 

"We're not tiring ours chests," was our retort, "May as well work the arms."

After this, hamstring curls, on a machine we've not used in years. Again, instead of resting, the other did tricep dips.

"Gotta even up the arms."

"You two are machines," he told us.

"Yep. Don't forget it. "

A round of abs. One armed Farmer's Walks for Jay, weighted Dead Bugs for me.

And we were done. 

It's cool working out with somebody new. I love surprising people. 

It's also validating to know that we're stronger and fitter than we think we are. 

I look forward to kicking some fitness goals. 

Onwards, I say. 

Today's song:

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