Sunday, May 28, 2023

My Cat is Broken

 While I was in Darwin, Lucifer stayed with Blarney and Barney. He's stayed with them on many an occasion, which they are okay with, but he's not so sure. 

He has a big room to himself. The family go visit regularly, read with him, talk to him, try to make friends with him, but it doesn't seem to work. He just hisses back that them and goes back to sit in the cupboard, where he takes up residence on top of the shoes. Blarney says he's not trouble. He eats and drinks and poos where he's supposed to. He doesn't wreck things. He's just and antisocial twerp.

This time, he did something a bit different. Finding a doona/duvet in the cupboard, he hauled it out and made a nest in it. His blanket and bed were in the room, but no, he wanted to sleep in Blarney's quilt. Bless him. 

Regular readers also know that Lucifer is a bit of a prick. Okay, he's more reticent that other cats, but give him some time and he comes out of his shell. If I'm around, he'll come out more quickly. Stay with him in the flat and he's good after a few days. Teddie, when she came to stay with him said that he would come into the kitchen, look at her, and give her a look of utter disappointment.

He's also not the cuddliest of cats. 

Imagine my surprise when I got him home to find my little black beast has had a bit of a personality transplant. 

He's gone all sooky. 

Yesterday was a busy day. Meditation, a hair appointment, pop in on a friend for a cuppa. I was out and about. 

Returning from meditation, I was busting to go the loo. I got into the flat, said hello to the cat and ran relieve myself. 

I was following in, the cat hot on my heels. As soon as I got my trousers down and was sitting, his lordship came up to me. 

"Hello, mate."

There were nose butts and lots of head rubbing. This is reasonably normal behaviour. He visits me while I'm on the loo. 

Then he jumps up on my knee, then up on my shoulder, purring loudly, rubbing his head against mine. 

"Mate, I love you too, but I really need to wipe myself."

The cat took no notice and staying on my shoulder, kept purring. 

After a few more minutes, I asked him, nicely, to get down. 

Thankfully, he complied. My bum was getting cold. 

But I've had to pop out a bit over the weekend. Whenever I come home, I'll sit down and he now climbs up on my shoulder for a cuddle. 

This morning, on waking, he came and joined me, again sitting on my shoulder and the pillow, once again, purring loudly, making biscuits and nuzzling. He stayed for ten minutes.

He normally only cuddles for a minute or two before he goes off. 

I hope the stays like this. I love this new cat. He will probably go back to how he was - stroppy, surly and a pain in the bum. 

Yet I like to think that he's maybe going to be a bit like the Japanese art of kintsugi - mending broken items with gold. A little bit of time away in a slightly uncomfortable place and I get something better back in return. 

Today's song: 

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