Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sunday Stealing

 It's Saturday afternoon and I'm between jobs. Off to the hairdresser in an hour so this is a task I'm looking to finish for the day. I'm still a bit tired after coming back from Darwin yesterday morning after a long delay on the overnight flight.  For the Americans, I've travelled across the country. Here's a map. It's a four and a bit hour flight.

Regardless, I'm still a bit tired. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?

Through the drive thru - always (unless you're in a food court, but that's different and I avoid the fast food places then anyway). Nobody judges you going through the drive thru.

2. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? 

No, I've been lucky - or I've been able to fish the said item out of the loo in time with no damage. And I purposely don't take my phone when I'm about to do my ablutions. That's just courting trouble. 

3. Do you have a dog?

No. I have a cat. My dream would be to have a place with a large back yard where I could have two biggish dogs and a couple of cats. But Lucifer would hate that. 

4.  Ever go camping? 

Not if I can help it. I'll revise that, I'd be happy to go glamping. Electricity and running water are a necessity. 

5. Have you met anyone famous? 

I once bummed a cigarette off Jeremy Clarkson. I've bumped into all sorts of people at writer's festivals, but they're nobody anybody here would know about. 

6. Any plans today?

I'm off to the hairdressing in about half an hour, then going in to see Jonella (as she lives in the next suburb to my hairdresser). That will do. I'm still tired from the travel. 

7. Are you happy? 

I'm level at the moment, and reasonably content. I don't ask for much more than that. 

8. Where are you right now? 

Sitting at my work table at home. The cat is in the windowsill next to me shouting at the birds. He loves the sunshine. 

9. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? 

Oh, I have a few, but they aren't worth moaning about. Melbourne traffic is awful. My colleague who came in sick and talked about cars all week, last week - well, I was ready to throttle them - but I've left them back in Darwin, so all is well. The government's lacksidasical policies on the environment are annoying. I can't complain really. 

10. Last song listened to? 

I'm listening to the Violent Femmes in my head at the moment. See Today's Song for details. Love the Violent Femmes. I love this version of Blister in the Sun with Stephen Colbert. 

11. Last movie you saw? 

I went to the Deckchair Cinema in Darwin on Thursday were we (some colleagues and me) saw The Banshees of Inisherin.

I love the Deckchair Cinema. It's down by the beach. You go in, find a cushion and reserve your seat, find a beer and something to eat, slather yourself in bug repellent, then sit down, and at 7 p.m., as the sun sets, the movie starts. There are geckos running over the screen, bats flying about and stars twinkling above you. It's a fabulous way to see a film. Here's a little video to show you what it's like. It only runs in the Dry Season (April - November). It is utterly wonderful. 

12. Are you allergic to anything? 

Sulpha drugs (Bactrim). I'm a little bit allergic to cats until I get used to their own fun. I just have to wash my hands after patting them. 

13. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?

I living in Birkenstock Mayaris in Summer. Currently, now it's nearly Winter, I'm living in a pair of very comfortable Chelsea Boots. 

14. What do you think of when you think of Australia?

Home. I was born here. I live here. It's far more than a funny code of football, Steve Irwin, kangaroos and a bunch of flora and fauna that want to kill you. 

15. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?

A little bit. More when I'm communicating with workmates over teams. This is my favourite:

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Not been to Darwin or Melbourne and the flight time shows just how big Australia is.

    I think I might go glamping - Mrs PM hates camping and she has talked about it.

    I wondered what you put for the Australia answer; I have been to Australia (as you probably no) but I have barely scratched the surface. It's a wonderful place.




  2. Cripes - the spelling in my comment above was atrocious. What a pillock I am.



  3. Actress Miriam Margolyes made a wonderful 3-part documentary called "Almost Australian" that I loved. She never got to Western Australia, though, which is where I spent 6 weeks in 2003.

  4. I'd love to go to Australia someday. I'm still tired from flying back from France last week, plus the allergies.

  5. I would love to visit Australia. I watched the clip about the outdoor theater and that would be so much fun!! We have some friends who went glamping last summer and their accomodations looked amazing in their photos.

  6. That's a great way to watch a movie!!

    I've never been to Australia... but I wouldn't hesitate to go when I had the opportunity.

    Enjoy your week!
