Friday, May 26, 2023


 My takes on having a flight which was delayed by four hours this morning: 

  • There is no point getting upset about it. 
  • Relax as well as you can, what ever that means to you. 
  • Be prepared to move quickly near the flight time. 
My 1 a.m. flight was delayed until 5 a.m. Thankfully we had the use of the hotel apartments we've been staying in all week. After packing, I set the alarm to 3.15 and dozed off in bed, keeping the lights down low and the television on for company. I got a couple of hours sleep. 

My colleague and I caught an Uber to the airport at 3.45 a.m. There is no traffic in Darwin at this time. Thankfully, my colleague had access to the Qantas Club where we got an early breakfast and I had a Virgin Mary, because the bar was closed. 

The plane departed Darwin at 5.20 a.m.

As the sun was about to come up - there was no point trying to get any sleep. I managed to watch two movies, relaxing all the way. Again, no point stressing about not sleeping. It's not going to happen. 

We arrived in Melbourne just after ten. My bag got collected, then was collected to pick up the car at the off-airport parking place. 

Then it was time to collect the cat. 

He's fine. Sooky, and clingy, but fine. He'd taken up residence in the cupboard, although this time, he had dragged a doona out of the said cupboard and made a nest in there. Blarney had spent a lot of time with him, but he just hissed at her. He's a good house guest, even if he is anti-social. 

The next delay was along the Monash. A prang in one of the right-hand lanes turns what normally takes 30 minutes into an hour - with a stroppy cat sitting next to me. 

The rest of the day was spent unpacking, looking like I was at work, chatting to my colleagues who were based in the Melbourne office for the week. And then it was over. 

I'm knackered. The cat is remaining a clingy suck. I love how his tail is staying straight up and vibrating at the base, his sign of happiness. He normally saves this for when he's fed at night. He's also sitting on the keyboard and walking all over me at every opportunity. 

And now I'm going to take this exhausted body to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow. 

It's time.

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