Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday Stealing:

 I'm getting ready to go back to Darwin. The bags are packed, just have to finish off the washing, wrangle the cat and I'll be off. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. When you tell a story, do you often exaggerate?

I'll answer yes and no to this. I never exaggerate too badly - but there is time and place for exaggeration. 

2. If a friend were almost always late, would you resent it or simply allow for it?

I'd allow for it considering I'm normally running late myself. :)

3. Can you be counted on to be on time?

For important things like catching planes, interviews, appointments, I'm on time. Otherwise expect me 15 minutes after when you expect me. You'll get a text. 

4. When did you last yell at someone?  Why?

I yelled at my cat the other night because he was being bloody annoying. I think he's picked up that I'm going away again. I can't remember the last time I yelled at somebody, other than idiot drivers on the road. It's not something I do. 

5. If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would you choose?

Oh, a housekeeper would be fantastic. I'm too messy to get a cleaner. I'd have to tidy before they came. 

6. Would you be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow?  Do you eat meat?

I can't kill things. I can't kill my own spiders (okay, I can with bug spray, but I can't use the shoe method. I couldn't kill an animal unless they were in terrible pain. Something else that's not in me. 

7. Do you feel ill at ease going alone to either diner or a movie?  What about going on a vacation by yourself?

I've only ever travelled by myself, and I go to the movies and dinner alone regularly. It's not an issue. If I waited for people to do things with I'd never go anywhere. 

8. Would you like to be famous?  In what way?

Other than being a world famous author, I'd hate to be famous. No thanks. No privacy. 

9. Would you rather play a game with someone more or less talented than you?  

I think I'd like to play something with somebody a little more talented than me. It makes things a challenge, and I like a challenge. 

10. Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time?  Why haven't you done it?

I've wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostella in Spain, but COVID, and money have stopped me doing this. One day...

11. If you were at a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner and found a dead cockroach in your salad, what would you do?

Thanksgiving is an American thing - we don't have it over here in Australia. But if I found roach in my salad I'd spit it out, take it out to the kitchen to dispose of it and quietly mention it to the host. I wouldn't make a big deal of things - it's not their fault this happened. 

12. Would you accept $10,000 to shave your head and continue your normal activities sans hat or wig without explaining the reason for your haircut?

Probably not. My scalp is peppered with small scars where I've had cysts cut out - it would be too much to explain all of that. 

13. If you were able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, would you do so?  Whom would you pick?

Probably Elle MacPherson. She doesn't age and I'd love to be taller and lither. 

14. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

I could write a novel about this, but I won't. I think I'd like to have been raised in a more academic family. but you can't change anything. I'll leave it at that. 

15. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

Miscarriage. You just don't. 

Today's song: 


  1. Elle MacPherson! I had not thought of her in years! Good choice.

  2. Miscarriage. Right. Definitely not to be joked about.

    I once worked in an office where the boss gave all the employees a year free house cleaning, but my house was so messy, I turned it down and took a month's salary in cash instead. Now that my son lives with us, he has taken over doing the housecleaning (and the cooking!)

  3. Oh--that song! I haven't heard it in a long time.

    And I agree--topics around children being exploited or dying just are too sensitive.

  4. I always say I'd never get a housekeeper because I'd have to clean before they came. Might as well just do it all myself!
