Saturday, May 20, 2023

Theatre Review: Once

 The Production: Once

The Theatre: The Comedy Theatre. 

The Production Company: The Darlinghurst Theatre Company    

Stars: 4

Until 4 June. 

Once is on my sanctioned list of musicals. If it's not: 

  • Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Chicago
  • Come from Away
  • Fun Home or
  • Once, 
I'm not interested. What about Les Miserables? The best bit is when Javert jumps off the bridge. The Lion King. Never seen it. Mary Poppins? Hells no! Hamilton? Loved it the first time, but once was enough. 

Once has a special place in my heart. 

It's got lots of Irish Music, a simple love story, enough humour to keep me happy and an unexpected ending. 

The story is simple. A disenfranchised street muso, who fixes hoovers by day is about to quit. He's approached by a Czech cleaner on her way home who has heard him sing and begs him not to give up. She's a muso herself. And it goes on from there. You never learn the boy or girl's name. 

Oh, I should add that I have always love the film of this, which is available on Prime Video. Glen Hansard, who wrote the music and lyrics of this with his onscreen partner, Marketa Irglova. 

The Darlinghurst Theatre Company is one of the smaller Sydney Theatre companies - but this is top notch. I loved the slightly rough and ready feel to this. You're seranaded with Irish music by the cast on the way in. There are no big named actors in this production - and this is what is so good about it. 

The set is simple, Richard Carroll's direction is assured, and keeps the action moving. The Comedy Theatre is a bugger to light at the best of times - and if you're up the back, occasionally you might be struggling to see everything you want to. 

But this is wonderful. The cast received a standing ovation at the end. 

This is great for a good night out, especially if you're a music sceptic.  If you like Irish music, even better. 

Do yourself a favour. It's one of the best tickets in town. 

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