Friday, May 19, 2023


 I'm not in the mood for writing, and that is okay. I'll admit to my emotions being all over the place, partly because of the session with the psychologist, and partly just because.

I explained to the psychologist that sometimes I'm a bit like Eeyore and sometimes I'm a bit like Tigger. I had to then go on and tell her about Winnie the Pooh. How do people not know about Winnie the Pooh? Today was an Eeyore day. Hopefully tomorrow a bit of the Tigger might come back. 

As much as I'd like it if a friend came around tonight, it was good to catch up on a few things. The ironing is being done. The cat is asleep on the bed snuggled up to his hot water bottle. (Yes, I make the cat up a hottie...). I've cut my toenails. I've got my French lessons done. My legs were waxed at lunchtime in preparation for next week's Darwin trip. I'm watching the Great British Bake Off because it makes me chill. (Soggy bottom....)

And the thing that has kept me smiling today. Francis Bourgeois. 

Who is Francis Bourgeois you ask?

He's this TicTok guy who's the most enthusiastic trainspotter out there. 

Trainspotter? It's a thing in the United Kingdom where people go out and chase down all sorts of trains. they're normally much maligned, judged as being on one of the spectrums. There are lots of trains in England. Commuter trains, intercity trains, local trains, steam trains, diesel trains - and trainspotters love them all.

Oh, to have the enthusiasm for life that Francis has for trains. 

He cheers me up no end. 

Here's a bit more Francis. He's grouse.

Today's song: 

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