Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Grilling

 Today's admin item task was talk to an insurance broker about Income Protection insurance. 

I'm not fond of insurance - but it's something that needs to be done, and income protection insurance is useful as it's tax deductible, but the policy I was on was coming into far too many dollars to make it worth my while. 

So, I've been looking around, and found a new policy and today I spent an hour with the Insurance Agent filling out the forms over the phone. 

Seriously, insurance brokers save your live. What he insurance companies ask you is incredible. And I know they are underwriting you, but the questions are badly worded and border on invasive. And sure, they can get all of the details off your doctor - and if they do take me on, they're going to want another blood test - I only had one a couple of weeks ago, and with the exception of slightly low iron, I'm the picture of health. 

It felt like a grilling, and not a welcome one.

Talking to my colleague after we discussed the joys of ageing and insurance. As a coincidence, we met at the insurance company at which I'm applying for the policy. 

The thing is, you are lucky to get to my age and not have a few medical things up your sleeve. I was grilled about the asthma - which only comes out on cold mornings when I'm trying to exercise. And the gall bladder - which has been removed. It's gone, you can't do much more than that with it once it's gone. 

Then the mental health questions. You answer honestly. How long have you had depression. I rolled my eyes as I've probably had depression most of my life off and on. The caveat to this is that it's not the clinical type and I've never been medicated. So does it count?

It's just another confronting process we put ourselves through on an irregular basis. 

Hopefully, they will insure me. 

Today's song: 

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