Monday, May 15, 2023

Today's Delight

 Finding small joys in the day when you're struggling a bit with your mental health can be hard. Thankfully, I'm not far down the rabbit hole and this came pretty easily today. 

They reckon if you focus on the good, you will be rewarded with good. 

So, my good for today was as follows:


The joy of finding the perfect avocado when you cut into it. I mean perfect. Haas avocadoes have come back into the supermarket, thank goodness. I bought some ciabatta at the local European deli yesterday along with some marinated feta. Half a small avocado mashed in with a square of this marvellous feta, spread on toasted ciabatta. Yum. Perfect. 

Other good things about the day. 

There is something good about finishing a book you don't really like. We have book group tomorrow. We've read Jane Harper's Exiles. I've liked her other books. She's the master of Outback Noir, but this one really missed the mark. Besides, she set this in South Australia - but it's not a recognisable South Australia. And the characters were all very bland. Which is a pity. At least that is over. 

And I had my weekly chat with the dietician. 

So, I've not lost any weight as yet. One thing this exercise has been good for is identifying some of my eating habits. I've started to identify emotional triggers, relating out after seeing the doctor for my mental health plan, the only thing for it, being rather strung out and upset, was donuts. It wasn't a case of wanting some comfort. That I recognised this was good. What would have been better is ignoring the need for fat and sugar. But it's baby steps. 

As I said, it's a matter of looking for the good in the day. 

And perfect avocadoes make me happy. 

Today's song: 

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