Thursday, June 15, 2023

Twelve is getting bossy

 Children! What are they good for? 

Twelve put me though my paces again tonight after a pretty solid session with Cleo online last night. 

Cleo is now living in Barcelona. She can still cause merry hell from 10,000 miles away. 

Twelve is different. 

He trains us differently. Slower weights. Heavier weights. Yeah. 

We got to the gym tonight and warmed up on the skier. He likes when Jay and I have done the warm up before we start. 

The skier. Yes, it's this machine which simulates cross country skiing. Who knew?

We started with slow squats - with 18 kg one handed farmers walks in between. Yes, you pick up an eighteen kilogram kettlebell, walk in to the end of the gym. Put it down, pick it up with the other hand and walk back. Good for your obliques. 

Then it was around the back. Leg extensions and seated rows. 

Then over to the bench for bench presses. Four rounds. A warm up with the 15 kilogram bar (x 10), a round of 12 x 25 kgs, a round of 10 x 35 kgs and a round of 10 x 40 kgs. \

Your average young adolescent weighs around 40 kilograms. I can push that off my chest repeatly. Big smiles. 

Then to finish off, the sled. A sled, on carpet for resistence, weighted. Fast as you can. Excellent full body training. 

He kept increasing the weights. First, it was unweighted, second round it had a 20 kilogram plate on it, the next round 40 kilograms, then the last round, which I was encouraged to do the lap in under 15 seconds. 

I did it. Just. 

Not bad for an old bird. 

I believe, next week, we're upping the chest weights to 43 kgs. 

Onwards, I say. 

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