Monday, July 17, 2023


 After a not great working week last week, I've made a pact with myself to change tack on a few things. 

In the past, when work has got a bit tough I've turned to daily affirmations to help get me through, not that my job is in some of the places I've been over the years, but I've decided to nip things in the bud to help me to smooth over the rougher patches. 


Well yes, they're hippy shit, but it's hippy shit that works. 

I mean if they're good enough for Colin "I'm a strong and capable man," Hughes, it's good enough for me. 

So on waking, I told myself repeatedly the following:

  • I'm going to have a productive day today. 
  • I'm made of teflon, no shit sticks to me. 
  • I am good at what I do. 
This was done before I got out of bed setting the intention for the day. 

It was repeated on and off during the day. 

And strangely, I had a good day today. I got a lot done between meetings, and looked at my tickets at the end of the day and saw that there was a lot to show for the day. 


I also Pomodoro'd the crap out of the day. 


It's a system where you set your timer. When the timer is on, you work consistently for that time. In my case, it's 25 minutes. When the time goes off you can do something else for a bit - make a coffee, bring in the washing, you name it. But then you go back to your next block. For productivity, it's great, particularly if you tend to let your mind wander. It's one of those hacks I've discovered over the years. 

Tomorrow is a new day. Let's see if this attitude adjustment keeps things on a more even keel. 

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