Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 First up, I'm about as sporty as a fridge. Yes, I love going to the gym, but when it comes to actual sport, I can take it or leave it. I go to a football game once every two years, normally when the Crows play the Hawks. I sit between Barney and Norty, drink my mid-strength beer in silence and sometimes take a book (or my knitting). 

This morning's news blared that the current Victorian Government had cancelled the hosting of the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Regional Victoria. This, to me, seemed like a good idea. 

These games, one of the last vestiges of the British Empire, have been fading into insignificance for years. I'm told that Victoria only took on the games after a number of British and South African cities said they didn't have the budget to hold them. Also, when Victoria announced the Games, it was on the proviso that they would be held in regional centres - Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo and Shepparton, not in the centre of Melbourne. This would mean that money would be funneled into the regions for facilities and housing - and give these regional centres more of an international profile. 

In his announcement, Dan Andrews said that all of the money sequestered for the Games would still be spent on the regions, providing all of the facilities and the like. What they weren't happy to do is spend even more money to ensure the games run. The figures were astounding. Something like six billion dollars was going to be spent on these Games preparations - but it was going to cost nearly double that. Economically, these Games were going to be disastrous. 

The Federal Government were not contributing a cent to these games either. 

I say fair play for backing out of the agreement (while supporting the regions). 

Around the country, all of the State Premiers were holding up their hands stating they weren't comfortable holding what appears to be sports version of a large white elephant. They had the ring of Roy Kent about them as they all gave very prompt simpering grins and backed away quickly. 

The papers are all over this, stating it's a embarrassment, bad planning, you name it, let's all jump down Dan Andrew's throat. 

Surely, this is a sensible decision. Sure, it's disappointing for the athletes, but not every country is a member of the Commonwealth - they don't get to go to these. 

Also, with the amount of money we pour into sport - a pastime, a recreational activity, don't they get enough of the public purse already. That the regions are going to be furnished with better facilities is good. You look at the miniscule amount of funding available to the arts - with a participation rate even higher than that of sport. As fairness goes, this stacks up. 

I'd also like to know how many people watched the last Commonwealth Games on the television? Maybe you watched the 2018 ones in Brisbane - the 2022 Games were held in Birmingham. They're not the Olympics. These have a much lower participation rate. 

As I said before, I feel for the athletes. This isn't about television reporters rubbing their hands with glee over Australia's frankly embarrassing medal tally. 

But this just makes sense and I wish people would get off their Imperialist, entitled, jingoistic high horses as see this for the sensible decisions it appears to be.

Today's song: 

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