Thursday, July 13, 2023


 It's the little things that make your day. 

After a few difficult days at work, something to make things a little better were needed. 

This morning, around 9.30, the doorbell rang. 

"Hello, Amanda?"


"It's Dave the postie. I've left a parcel in your letterbox. "

"Thanks, Dave. I'll be right down to get it. Do you need a signature?"

"No, that's all good. You have a good day."

"You too, Dave."

I know, this is a very short conversation about something very banal, but...

1) I know my postie. In the big city, this is rare. 

2) My postie rings my doorbell when he's leaving anything more than a letter. I'm not sure he does this for everybody. 

3) My postie is a lovely man who is really pleasant - and always up for a quick chat. 

I was absolutely thrilled that he called to say that there was a parcel. Living where I do, you don't leave your mail sitting in your mailbox for long. The local riff-raff, who were much more plentiful when there wasn't a needle exchange/injecting room 500 meters away, have a tendency to go through your mail.  

Also, as anybody working from home will tell you, couriers are not overly reliable and will more often than not, take you parcel straight to the post office at best, or even worse, to some random shop where you'll be forced to go, during office hours to collect your stuff. 

And yes, I do go out of my way to try to be polite, particularly to the people who are providing me with a service meaning people are pleasant back. Saying please and thank you and not being a pain in the arse are not difficult things to do, but when you live inner city, building these small relationships, like the guys at the coffee shop and the post office, and other places where you frequent, makes it feel more like a village than a city. 

Regardless, today's little joy was somebody doing their job well and going just a little above and beyond.

Today's song:

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