Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Stealing: The Swap Bot Questions

 Another day of theatre. Another day of appreciating what Melbourne has to offer.

Now on to the weekend questions, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere?

I like to think that love is an all over experience. I've never thought about where it comes from - it just is. 

2. Have you ever given a shot?

Do you mean have I given an injection? Plenty of times. Other than vaccinating animals and looking after a friend's diabetic cat, I used to give myself a needle everyday. It's no biggie. 

3. Can you lick your elbow? (Come on, didja try?)

No - it's impossible to like your own elbow. Everybody knows that - and no, I didn't try to do it. 

4. If I was going to be talking to you for 10 minutes, what would be something really interesting you know a little bit about but would like to know more??

There are far too many topics that I would like to know about. Can you talk to be about how I can finish my bloody novel? That would be good. 

5. What do you think of the Sopranos?

The television show? It was a bit too violent for me back in the day. Never went back to it. 

6. Have you ever had a crush on your teacher?  How about your boss?

Yes, to both. Not saying any more. 

7. Have you ever seen a movie in 3D?

Of course. My favourite 3D movie experience was Scorcese's Hugo. The 3D effects were done brilliantly - it's really subtle. A movie buff's movie. 

8. How difficult do you think it is for immigrants to come into your country?

They are making it harder and harder here in Australia. For a country that prides itself on it's multiculturalism, we can be VERY hard on migrants. Unfortunately, it seems to depend on your ethnicity as to how hard a time you're given. 

9. Do you have what it takes to go live in another country, maybe for years, where you don't speak the language as your first language?

Yes. Thankfully, I'm a polyglot - I pick up languages pretty quickly. I moved to Greece for a few months about 20 years ago. It was a good experience. 

10. Have you ever died in your dreams?

No, thank goodness. I don't dream much anyway. 

11. What book should our political leaders read and why?

There is a really good book edited by Louise Swinn called Choice Words. It's about abortion and a woman's right to choose. 

Also, Jess Hill's See What You Made Me Do, which is about domestic violence in Australia.

There needs to be more diverse voices in our parliament. But at least we don't ban books over here, even if the wowsers kick up a fuss every now and then. People who complain about books should read them first before complaining about them. 

12. What is your favorite glass object?

My Brok beer glass. It was pilfered from the work beer club I used to work. It holds about 600 mls of fluid. it's a great glass. 

13. Do you like to window shop?

Of course. It's the best kind of shopping. 

14. Are you more likely to buy one really nice expensive outfit or a couple of cheap outfits?

I tend to get my clothes either cheap or second hand, but I dream of one of those people who buys a small number of quality clothes. I don't have the body type for expensive clothes. 

15. If you could, would you wear everything once, throw it out and buy something new?

Absolutely not. Fast fashion is the scourge of the Western World. What a waste of time, money and resources. 

Today's song: 


  1. I'm not a polyglot, mostly because I never had the opportunity, but I seem to pick up languages easily and think I could easily live in a foreign country and learn the language.

  2. Huh. I DID see Hugo in 3D. I usually hate 3D, but I liked this film:

  3. Today's song! Wowzer, I haven't heard that in a while!

  4. I wonder if all countries are tougher on immigrants . . .than they admit/publicize.

  5. You aee so right. I got into a discussion a while ago with someone who was completely agreeing with banning a book. (Not in my country). When I started asking things he admitted he'd never read it.
