Monday, July 31, 2023

It has to be done...

 The plans for my trip abroad are continuing at a pace. 

  • The writer's retreat is paid off in full. 
  • I've got my flights
  • And my travel insurance
  • And the first and last night's accommodation in London sorted. 
And knowing I'm in London, and knowing how good the theatre is over there after a week of Melbourne Theatre, I had a look at the listings to see what's playing around the traps on my last night, the night before I take off to Paris. 

And there it was. 

ANDREW FREAKING SCOTT!!! Doing a one man show of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya!!!

Who is Andrew Scott?

This is Andrew Scott. 

He's and Irish actor - and he steals the scene in everything he's ever been in. Think of Gethin in Pride. Think Moriarty in Sherlock

Oh, and best of all, think of the Hot Priest in Fleabag - probably the role he's best known for. 

He turns up all over the place. And when he does, you know what you're going to see is good. He's eminently watchable. 

Just seeing those clips of him in Hamlet from a few years ago, the stage craft, the emotion.... it has to be done. 

As stage actors go, I'm going to put him up there with a young Ian McKellen, Kenneth Branagh and Alan Rickman - all superb. He's up there. 

And did I tell you that as much as I hate Russian Literature, I love Uncle Vanya. For anybody curious, Vanya on 42nd Street is streaming on SBS On Demand. 

So as somebody who loves good theatre, this has to be done. 

I've got my ticket. One in the cheap seats. The cheap seats are still 120 quid - double that for Australian dollars. But it's bought and paid for. 

I might need to sell my left kidney to afford it, but, as I keep getting told, life is for living and you should do what you love. 

I'm jumping up and down so much, my boobs are giving me black eyes. 

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