Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Theatre Review: Romeo and Juliet

 The Play: Romeo and Juliet

The Theatre: The Fairfax Studio at The Arts Centre

The Company: The Bell Shakespeare Company

Closed 29 July in Melbourne (Playing in Sydney 2-27 August at the Neilsen Nutshell - Pier 2/3)

Stars: A solid 4

My need for regular Shakespeare was stated on Saturday. The Bell Shakespeare Company do this so well. Also, after over 20 years of being away from regular viewing with the Royal Shakespeare Company in London, I can manage to not cringe at the Australian accents - in fact, it's grown on me. 

As Romeo and Juliets go, this was solid - and relevant. Staged in the Fairfax Theatre, the set was simple - with fairy lights and two small podiums. Being the Bell, they're inventive with their use of the space, using Turkish carpets to create different settings. It was charming and inventive. 

The cast was cut down, but wonderful. As with all Bell Shakepeare casts, they're fun and full of energy. 

The standouts for me were Rose Riley as Juliet - she's going to be one to watch. Firm, but ethereal. Lucy Bell's Nurse was right on the mark. Bell stalwarts, Robert Menzies and Blazey Best were also great in their respective roles as Friar Lawrence and Mercutio. 

I loved the constant action on stage, the ever-changing scenes, which brought life into so simply. My one reservation was when the cast brought some of the audience onto the stage to dance at the Capulets party. It was a little bit uncomfortable, but it only went on for a few minutes. 

My other small reservation about this was the trigger warning outside the doors of the auditorium. Um, doesn't everybody coming into see thing know that the protagonists top themselves? One by poison, one by a dagger. Ah, the world. 

In all, this is another solid outing by the Bell Shakespeare Company. If you're in Sydney, it's worth hunting out. It's playing up there until the end of August. It's worth a look, if like me, you're in bad need of some Shakespeare. 

Today's song: 

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