Monday, August 7, 2023

Avocado - Avocadont

I have been asked to describe the difference between Haas Avocados and Shepard Avocados. It appears in America they just have avocados and don't have to differentiate between avocado rockstar and pond scum ones that leave you feeling disappointed.

If I'm honest, there is nothing better than a Haas avocado. 

This is a Haas avocado. 

They are round, have dark green skins that go a purply colour the older the get and this is how you can tell and the flesh is soft and creamy. You crack them open just as they feel a little soft. They make the best guacamole. Haas avocados are the bomb.

This is a Shepard Avocado. 

Shepard avocados are more long than round. 

Shepard avocados appear to never get soft. If the do go soft then they are often brown inside.

Shepard avocados have firmer flesh - it's not as creamy. I also find the flesh more bitter than that of the Haas avocado. They also don't change colour when they are ready.

My mum doesn't mind using Shepard avocados in a tossed salad as it keeps its shape, rather than run in with the salad dressing. I don't like finding bits of this in the salad as crunchy avocado does not have a good mouth feel. 

When in season, not being able to find Haas avocados in the supermarket is gutting. 

Shepard avocados, in my opinion, aren't worth it. They're the red-headed stepchild of fruit. 

If you're considering buying one because you can't find the superlative Haas ones, reconsider - use something else. Feta for example.

I'm sure there are people out there who will sing the praises of Shepard avocados. For me, they are just too much bother. 

Save your money. 

Today's song: 

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