Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Whatever happened to the Uncanny X-Men?

 I don't really want to go into the office tomorrow. My cat gets a bit of separation anxiety, which will be made worse by him being taken over the Westgate Bridge on Sunday when I drop him off before heading to the airport. 

There are better things for me to be doing. This includes: 

Writing that novel. 

Searching for accommodation in Britany and Normandy - which is proving to be much cheaper than what you pay in Paris, thank goodness. 

I also have to do the Mason's books. Personally, I'd rather stick a pin in my eye, but I want this done before the weekend. 

Oh, and I have to get my taxes ready. 

But tomorrow, I'll go into work, go to lunch with my friend the engineer then go to the shrink afterwards. 

I would just rather be working from home.

In the meantime, I'll get on with some of these jobs and sing along to the Uncanny X-men. 

What happened to them? I just googled Brian Mannix - he still has a mullet...

Today's song: 

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