Thursday, August 24, 2023

But we didn't get Book Week...

 Everything was discombobulated this morning. The car went in for a service. I was driving a Mazda CX-30, high-spec, in what people in London car dealerships used to refer to as Jewish Racing Gold. I needed to get cash out - something I rarely do (like when was the last time anybody got cash out of a cash machine?) As I was standing, waiting for my cash to be delivered, a mother and son came out from the direction of the bathrooms. The mum had a look of relief on her face. The son was dressed as Batman. He looked good as Batman. 

"Great costume," I said in direction of the mother. 

"I know - it's fantastic what you can find at KMart. I left my run too late."

We exchanged a few more pleasantries before my cash came out and the mother and son went to school. 

I didn't know Batman was a book...

We never got book week as kids. If you were lucky, you participated in the Multiple Sclerosis Society Readathon, but we didn't get to dress up as our favourite book characters. 

For years now, I've watched as my friends have dutifully dressed their kids up and sent them off to school for book week. I've watched as the parents have had some panic attacks over this. I saw Blarney get some t-shirts reading "Thing One and Thing Two" for the Units. Thing One and Thing Two are from Dr Seuss. 

Other parents have put a lot of effort their children's costumes. 

And good luck to them. 

But I still feel like I've missed out. Not so much the not having children to dress up. Bugger that. 

We never got to have Book Week when we were kids. 

I'm not sure who I would have gone as:

  • Moonface from The Magic Faraway Tree?
  • One of the Gumnut Babies?
  • The Bunyip from Barkley's Creek?
  • The Cat in the Hat? 
As I got older, there were lots of options. 
  • St Exupery's Little Prince. 
  • Captain Midnight's cat, Cat
  • Grab a branch from a tree and go as Burnham Wood from the Scottish Play
  • Or the whore from Pericles

I can see my mother ignoring the requests for dressing up for book week - she had enough to do without that. 

But I still feel like I've missed out.

Maybe we should have Book Week at work...

Today's song: 

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