Wednesday, August 23, 2023

10000 Steps

 Making 10000 steps a day, when you work from home, is hard. 

We've got a bit of a competition going. 10000 steps a day for four weeks as a minimum. The top team, wins some sort of prize - I've got no idea what the prize is - we won't win. I haven't looked. 

But the challenge is there, get your steps in. And my only goal, being a little bloody minded, and easy to do, is get more steps in that one other in my team. I won't beat one team member, they normally do 15000 steps a day. The other one plays a lot of sport, so I won't beat them. It's a little goal...

I'm proudly doing about 13000 steps a day at the moment - at a push. It means going for a reasonable walk at lunch, then one after work. Days in the office are a bit better - I seems to do well here. In Darwin, I was doing around 15000 steps a day.

Tomorrow, however, I have no idea how I'm going to do this. It's the day the car gets a service. It means getting up, going out to the burbs, dropping the car off before work, going back at lunch to pick it up, then I've got a session with Twelve after work. 

Spending time on the treadmill won't work to build the steps as I found out last night. 

And stupidly, I'm getting anxious about this. 

The brain is a funny thing. 

Today's song: 

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