Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Gym Date

 I'm making a concerted effort to get fitter. I'm fit and strong, but I'd like to be fitter. And I need a bit of accountability. 

Jay, my normal gym buddy is not into cardio. Great with the weights but spending half an hour on the treadmill is not going to happen. 

Enter Hamish. 

Hamish has been going to the gym on the same days and the same time as Jay and I for years. When Hamish's trainer goes away on vacation, Hamish would often train with us when Cleo was our trainer. We swapped numbers yonks ago as a just in case measure. 

We ran into each other last night - his trainer is away again. He mentioned he's in the gym Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays - and we'd be seeing him around. 

Knowing I need somebody to be accountable to, I bit the bullet and sent him a text. 

"Hey, it's Pandora from the gym. If you feel like a training buddy tonight, give me a shout."

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

A reply came quickly. 

"Sure - I'm seeing Jack the trainer, but free after 7.15. Let's get some cardio in after. "

"Excellent, see you then."

The great thing about having somebody to whom you are accountable, you're far more likely to turn up.

Which I did.

On time even.

And even though I could have wimped out and gone for a beer and a game of pool with the work crew, I went home, fed the cat, climbed into my gym clothes and went to the gym. 

Hamish and I went for a walk on the treadmill. 40 minutes later, I got my cardio done for the day. Having somebody to chat to makes the treadmill far easier to tolerate. 

We've agreed, this should be a more common occurrence. 

It's good to have people in your life to do things like this with. 

Today's song:

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