Sunday, October 8, 2023

Of Raw Meat and Butter

As I am walking around 20000 steps a day, I'm really not fussed about what I am eating. 

Wandering home tonight, after a day spent once again roaming the Pere Lachaise with another set of mates, taking a bus, having lunch at the base of the Eiffel Tower and doing a writing exercise in the amazing Richelieu Library. After walking with a friend to her destination in the Marias, I took the Metro back to Republique, where I bought a new, small, wheelie bag to take to Provence. The thought of hauling Bertha down there did not appeal. We had a lovely dinner at a little restaurant around the corner (Le Chardon), and now I'm here at 10.45, trying to get my post out for the day.

What's got me about today is my diet here. 

I'm eating, but things have changed. And yes, I've got a hankering for a very large, very fresh salad. 

But it's not before I get to eat my body weight in raw meat and butter. 

Let me explain. 

The butter tastes better here. I don't know what they do with it - but it is out of this world. Maybe they use a special churn which slaps the cream into submission with a tickle rather than a slap. I don't know - but it makes everything taste amazing. 

The other habit I'm now in the habit of is raw meat. Have steak tartare on the menu, I will have it. 

I remember going to dinner with some family friends a few years ago. Myself and one other, a large, rambunctious bloke, ordered steak tartare as an entree. 

"You Leos need your raw meat." We are both early August birthdays.

Yes, we do. Just big cats. Raw meat does us good. 

Tonight's dinner we all had steak tartare or an entree. Three of us were happy. 

"It's raw?" was the reply from the last in our party. 

"And you were expecting?"

"Not raw meat."

"It's not Coles mince. You're not going to get food poisoning or worms. Eat it like you would pate."

This seemed to get her around it. Saying that, she also says that she eats her steak rare, but this was just a bit too much. 

Me, I love the stuff. 

For mains, I had salmon tataki - again, basically raw salmon - which I had the other night. 

So, at the moment, my diet consists of things which can have butter on it, oh, and cheese, which is also other worldly, and raw meat. 

Life is tough. I can see that if my grandmother was alive, she'd be asking why were they too lazy to cook the meat, the proceed to burn it to a cinder. 

But if you ever come here, even if you don't try the excellent raw meat, you have to try the butter.

Life changing. 

Today's song:

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