Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Freedom of the City

Paris is made for walking. It is made for keeping on walking, and just when you think that your feet are going to drop off, you're going to walk some more. 

Since being on holidays, which has now been a full week, on the active days, where I go out walking, and doing and just being a tourist, I'm managing 20000 steps a day.

It's definitely making me feel good, even if my feet and hips are aching a bit. 

I need the walking to clear my head. 

The retreat started today, and my first impression was to run. This is not because of anything our tour leaders have done or said, but it was because I was feeling completely overwhelmed. 

And this is okay. 

Coming to terms with this neuro-spiciness is interesting. I'm learning to articulate my needs - and one of these needs is space. I had a magic day with some friends from the retreat, taking in a couple of sex shops, Sephora, the magnificent St Eustache Church, rue de Pont Neuf and a bit of the Ile de City, it was a big day. The group met up at 3.00 pm - and I was completely overwhelmed. 

Instead of pushing through, or having a hissy fit, I said I'd meet the group at the restaurant at 7 pm. I got to have a rest, a lie down, and a shower. I got to take in the city, who seem to be preparing for the rugby. I watched as people got ready

And then I walked the half an hour to this amazing restaurant about two miles away. 

As I walked, I got to take in the place. Watch the people. See what was going on this balmy night in Paris, while trying to avoid the cyclists, surreptitious drug deals and blokes pissing into downpipes. You see kids on their scooters, others heading out to dinner, some returning with a final baguette for the day (Do not start me on the butter here... oh my giddy aunty). 

On meeting the group at the restaurant at the aforementioned time, I was ready to go. 

It's just a matter of expressing my needs, and not feeling bad about this. 

It still doesn't, sit comfortably, but it's a start. 

On being alone, I am not lonely. I just need the quiet to get my strength back. 

Today's song: 

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