Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Stealing - LEP

I'm sitting here waiting for my bag to be delivered from the airport, 24 hours after arriving home. Thankfully, on the way back home I had a change of clothes, a toothbrush and some basic toiletries with me, so a shower at the Qantas lounge could help me feel a bit better after 40 hours on the road. 

I'm tired, but I'm hoping that I won't suffer from jet lag too badly - I had six hours sleep last night, and I'm taking it easy today. 

I've also got two other blog posts to catch up on, so best get this one out of the way.

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. October reading & writing goals and plans

Now that I'm back from my holiday I'm wanting to start back up on my novel. I've got my blogging habit firmly established, but I really want to do what I've promised myself and get that novel back and underway. I'm dedicating firstly 15 minutes every day, of a morning, to get this off the ground. Doesn't sound much? It's amazing what you can do in 15 minutes. 

2. Something I did that totally paid off

This trip to Europe. It cost a lot, but I got SOOOOO much out of it. I reconnected with old friends, made new ones and found myself again. Holidays are great, but finding out who you are is even better. I forgot how much I like myself. 

3. I want to see this make a comeback

Learning languages at school. I'm lucky. I love languages, and my love of the French language, combined with a bit of dedication meant that I had a great time in France because I could talk to people freely. Learning languages is a great thing. In Australia, it's not encouraged enough. 

4. Generational traits I really value

I have a protestant work ethic. Does this count? 

5. Changes I’d like to see in my daily environment

Oh, I'm just back from a holiday and there are so many changes I want to make, not only to my environment, but to myself. I spent yesterday cleaning the flat before Lucifer came home, as the painters had been in and left the place really dusty. I want to keep the floors clean. I also want to declutter the place. I've started it,but will get on with it over the next few months. 

6. Favorite soup dishes

I love French Onion soup, but after this trip to France, I'm going to be avoiding cheese and butter for a good couple of months. 

I make a mean roasted pumpkin soup. Pumpkin, in Australia, is a savoury thing, best served roasted, in soups, salads or with a roast. 

7. Start with the best part, or save the best for last

Definitely save the best for last.

8. The most chaotic part of my daily life

I would say all of it but give me a few hours to when my bag comes back from it's epic trip around the world and look at it explode and what my flat is going to look like. I'm not looking forward to this - although will relish the salted caramel sweets I bought in St Malo. And looking at the numerous souvenirs bought over the last three weeks. 

9. If I could only eat 10 things, I’d pick:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Fresh green veggies
  • Berries
  • Ice cream
  • French butter
  • Cheese
  • Potatoes (normal or sweet potatoes)
  • Mum's roast lamb
  • Bahn mi

10. What Autumn feels like where I live

Autumn is six months away, where I am at the moment, but Autumn, in Melbourne, is pretty wonderful. The leaves turn, the days are often bright, bit it's quite a bit cooler than it has been. The odd rainy day is interspersed with lovely, sunny, clear days. Autumn is my favourite season. 

11. The teacher who would be most proud of me

I wish I could see my old high school French teacher, Miss Filmer, just how well I did in France this trip with the language. I'm naturally a polyglot, languages have always come easily to me, but this trip was something else. I put in the work, doing 20 minutes a day on Duolingo, but now I'm back, I'm thinking about finding a local French conversation group to see if I can keep this up. I've got no idea when I'll be in France again, but I really hope it's soon. 

12. My go to Halloween snacks & treats 

I'm Australian and I don't have kids. Halloween is an American thing, so we don't have the traditions. Long may that remain. 

13. 10 ways my life is great right now

I have a lot to be thankful for. So, in no order. 

  1. I've just had an overseas holiday and it was fantastic. 
  2. My cat is starting to like me again, after three weeks at Aunty Jays. (There is a blog post in this :) )
  3. I'm healthy. 
  4. I have been extended in my job for another year. 
  5. I get to travel. 
  6. I have wonderful friends. 
  7. I can speak another language well enough to not piss of the locals. 
  8. I'm solvent and other thank a small amount left on my car (which will be paid off my Christmas) I'm almost debt free. 
  9. I really like myself. That takes a bit to say, but I do. 
  10. I've proven to myself that I can drive a manual, left-hand drive on the road, in a foreign country and not have an accident. Very proud of myself for this. Thanks to Reindert for being calm and patient with me. 

14. A perfect day indoors looks like…

Lots of reading and writing and watching telly and maybe cooking, and eating lovely food and if there are cuddles, even better. 

15. Pumpkin spice…

is a strange American concept which I do not understand. While in France, I was not immune to going to Starbucks (god help me, but sometimes you want a coffee that reminds you of a coffee at home - and Starbucks it was.) Needless to stay, there was all of this PSL (Pumpkin Spiced Latte) stuff around. I offered to get Reindert one - he said if I did I could walk back to Paris. We were in Picardy at the time. Reindert lives in Colorado and he thinks pumpkin spiced anything is an abomination. 

Today's song: 


  1. It's really OK to like yourself. We've somehow gotten the message that it's vain or something.
    I went to France this year. My high school French from 50 years ago (!) was occasionally helpful. Speaking is a lot easier than comprehending, for me.

  2. I really enjoyed your post today. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time on your trip!!

  3. I loved your holiday photos on Instagram--you reminded me of why I love to travel, especially by myself.

  4. Hi Pand,

    Jet-lag is something I really suffer from. I can't sleep on planes - and I feel a deep frustration watching everyone else in dreamland while I am wide awake.

    It sounds like you had an amazing time. Europe is good - even the UK.




  5. Well, I LOVE pumpkin pie, but otherwise, I agree that pumpkin is not exactly an abomination, but not for me.

    I was a French major and did well in it, but was uncomfortable speaking it in France, tho I did have a couple of decent conversations. I would study it more, but since we are probably not going to travel again, I don't see a reason for it.
