Friday, October 13, 2023

Sunday Stealing on Thursday

 I've not missed a Sunday Stealing question block in years. However, at the moment, I'm on holidays (vacation), currently sitting in a room overlooking the picturesque town of Sommieres in Provence, France, and finally, after five days being run ragged in Paris, I am catching my breath. 

So, be it four days late, here are my Sunday Stealing questions, on a Thursday night, after a day of swimming and pizza, and talking French and yeah... I'm on holidays. 

Questions, as always, have come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Write about the best decision you ever made. How did you make it? Was it reasoning or gut instinct?

One of the best decisions I have ever made was coming on this trip. It was a year of planning. It was a year of French lessons online. It was a year of saving. But it is turning out to be a holiday of a lifetime. I'm glad I went with my gut. 

2. What ONE thing would you change about your life? How would your life be different?

I would love to have a body that could eat anything I wanted to at any time and not put on weight. Never going to happen, but it would be nice. 

3. What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Why was it hard for you? What did you learn?

Taking up running at 40 was the hardest thing I have ever done. Before that, I have never been a runner. I had to struggle through my headspace to get there - and it really was a case of mind over matter, but I persevered, and got there. I've run five half-marathons in my time. And I still miss it - I'm too large and my joints really didn't like it, but in the end, I loved running. 

4. What is your greatest hope for your future? What steps can you take to make it happen?

I would really love to be financially more stable and partnered up. The first one is fairly in control. The second one I have no idea how to make that happen. 

5. If you can time travel, what will you tell your teenage self?

Oh, there are so many things I would love to tell my teenage self. Firstly, you are NOT fat, ugly and stupid, no matter what your family try to tell you. Secondly, get exercising, and keep exercising. You really are good at it when you put your mind to it and it is very good for you.  Thirdly, your family aren't normal. Learn from others how to find your own family. And lastly, you are going to meet a guy called Lachlan in the mid-nineties. Run very fast in the opposite direction. 

6. Write about the most glorious moment in your life so far.

I can't pin down one, but here are a couple of those moments: 

  • Hanging out with Edward the Confessor at his tomb in Westminster Abbey, by myself. 
  • Working out that you actually do speak pretty good French. 
  • Getting through my Masters Degree with a High Distinction (4.0 GPA) average. 
  • Having some stories published
  • Falling in love on the odd occasion. 
  • Meeting Maow Maow (Blarney and Barney's cat) for the first time. Love at first sight. 
  • Adopting Lucifer (My cat)

7. Write about a moment you feel brave.

I know this might seem silly, but walking into the room at the start of this writer's retreat was very scary, and even though I knew about half the people before I came here, I really had to put my big girl pants on and get on with it. Being around so many big personalities all the time has had it's challenges, but they're all good people. Still, I had to be brave. 

8.  What made you happy today?


I'm in Sommieres, in France. It's this perfect little village. I've been for a walk, eaten great food, gone swimming, did a supermarket shop. went to the post office to get some stamps and I didn't piss off the lady behind the counter with my bad French (She said it was good - very understandable) I loved that at sundown, I watched the murmuration of the starlings as they put themselves to bed as the sun went down. I had a lovely, simple dinner with friends at a pizza shop at the bottom of the hill. I nearly finished my book (the superlative Mothering Sunday by Graham Swift.)

9. What do you dislike most about growing up?

You have to pay bills. Ergh. 

10. Write about ten activities you love the most and why you love them.

  1. I love writing, because it makes me feel whole. 
  2. I love exploring cities, because I love finding out about places. 
  3. I love traipsing through museums, because I'm a big nerd. 
  4. I love speaking French, because after 43 years, some of my schooling (and a bit of practice) has made this a great trip, and it feels good in the mouth. 
  5. I love travelling, because it is in my blood. 
  6. I love sleeping, because it is a necessary bodily function. 
  7. I love cuddling, because I am a cuddle bunny, not that anybody other than my cat knows about this. 
  8. I love reading, because it is one way that we humans finally figure out that we are not alone. 
  9. I love talking to animals, because they understand. 
  10. I love taking photos as it is a way to share with people what I am seeing. 

11. Do you have an embarrassing moment that still makes you cringe? Write about it in as much detail as you feel comfortable!

Er yes, I do, but I am not going to tell you about it. I am one big embarrassment when it all comes down to it anyway. 

12. What has been your best trip so far?

The one I'm on now will be very hard to beat. It's amazing. 

 13. Write a list of 5 things (physical or personality-wise) you love about yourself, and why they make you unique.

  1. I've got really interesting eyes. Never met anybody with my colour eyes. 
  2. I am kind. It's a good quality to have. 
  3. I'm fairly smart - also a good thing to be. 
  4. I'm strong. I've worked at this for years, and I love that my body does my bidding (most of the time)
  5. I'm funny. Not everybody will find me funny, but I have a good sense of humour. 

14. Discuss 5 things you wish others knew about you.

  1. The reason I hate having my photo taken is because I have PTSD over an event that happened in the nineties. Having my photo taken triggers me. 
  2. Even though I'm Australian, I'm English on the inside. 
  3. I do like feeding people, though I don't get the opportunity to do this. 
  4. I AM AN INTROVERT. Too many people all at once freak me out. 
  5. If I am tired, tell me to go to bed. I shouldn't push through things, but I do. 

15. Is social media a blessing or a curse?

A bit of both. 

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    I'm glad you're enjoying your trip. I haven't been to Paris for a while but I thnk we may go back in a year or two.

    I used to be able to eat anything and not put on weight. Not now though!

    Envious that you've had stores published. You must be really proud of that.




  2. Lovely to hear you are enjoying your trip! I enjoyed the questions this week and reading all the answers so far. I hope you continue to enjoy the heck out of France.

  3. I went to France for the first time this year. My pathetic high school French was surprisingly useful. The cliche that travel changes you is absolutely true.
    I can imagine being in a writers' room could be terrifying when you're putting yourself out there.
    I'm fairly smart, too.
    Love that Scrubs clip!
