Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sunday Stealing: ABC

 I'm just happy to be upright and able to write. After four days in bed with something that probably was COVID, not that the tests were saying this. It's just nice not coughing or falling down in a big heap. And to be able to concentrate for more than a few minutes. I'm even doing the ironing, which has been sitting there all week. I must be better. 

 So, here's this week's questions, brought to us by Bev at Sunday Stealing.                                                                                                                                                                                 

A - Ambition: 

To be happy. Is that such a bad ambition?

B - Birthday: 

It's in mid-August. It's normally a cold and wet day, being winter in Australia. I enjoyed my birthdays more when I was living in England. 

C - Computer: 

I have three computers at home. All run Windows - I've never been able to convert to a Mac. Other than the work laptop, there's my normal laptop and a smaller one which I take travelling. Sometimes you need a screen and an iPad won't cut it. 

D - Dream: 

I rarely dream. I used to be in a dream group, but I felt like I was letting down the team for not dreaming regularly. 

E - Exercise:

I am looking forward to exercising again after being sick for a week. I love walking and doing weights. Best feeling in the world - which some could say is a strange thing. I'm hoping to go to the gym tomorrow morning for some gentle weights and stretching to get myself back into the game. While I was on holidays I was averaging 20,000 steps a day. I loved that. 

F - Favorite Food:

Ice cream. It's good for you. 

For something a bit more sensible, I'll go with Mum's roast lamb. It's the best. 

G - Garden: 

I like visiting gardens, but I don't have one of my own. The nearest thing I have to a garden is the pots of cat grass that sit in the windowsill growing so that Lucifer and munch on them. The pots are in strict rotation. I'm also trying to revive the spider plant he chewed down to the nub while I was away. He's a but funny like that. 

H - Hobby:

I love to knit. Which reminds me, I do need to finish off a hat before I go on retreat in early March next year. I haven't been doing much knitting of late. 

I - Idol:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was an amazing woman. A real trailblazer. As an Australian Idol, Julia Gillard, our one and only female Prime Minister gets a nod. She got a lot done under some terrible conditions (horrid working environment and press coverage). 

J - Job:

I have a day job as a technical writer. It's okay. A good use of my skills. 

K - Kids:

I don't have any. Smelly and expensive things. Don't know if I'm missing much. 

L - Location:

I am currently residing in Naarm, on Wurundjeri Land, which is part of the Kulin Nation. 

It's also known as Melbourne. 

Australia is starting to take up the traditional names of the lands on which with live and work. I'm on board with this. 

M - Military:..

Something to be quietly supported, but that is about it. I'm not fond of guns or war. I can see why it's there but I don't have to like it. But I'll never diss anybody for their military service. They give their lives for the country, and for that, I'm proud of them. 

N - Name or Nickname:

My nickname, which is in common use, is Panda. I always give the name Panda to baristas, and they always raise an eyebrow. It often needs to be followed with the comment, "Like the bear. " In French, that translats to , "Je m'appelle Panda. Comme d'ours." 

O - Optimist or Pessimist:

I'm definitely an optimist. 

P - Pets:

I have the world's most charming black cat called Lucifer, Many say he is not charming, but I think he's wonderful. He's just a bit misunderstood. 

Q - Quote:

"I'd like to live like a poor man - just with lots of money." Pablo Picasso. 

R - Reads:

I am currently reading Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang. It's okay - very understandable from a writer's perspective. 

My current audiobook is Unruly: The Ridiculous History of England's Kings and Queens by David Mitchell. It was advertised on the tube while I was in London. I'm loving every minute of this. it's hilarious. 

S - School:

There is a part of me that ponders doing a PhD, then I get real, and work out that I like having money and sanity and continue on the path of trying to write a book. 

T - Travel:

Is a necessity of life and should be done as often as possible. Short trips, long trips - both need to be done. 

U - Unfulfilled ambition:

To be a doctor. I'm glad I never became one, but I still wonder what that alternative universe would be like. 

V - Vacation spot:

I would say anywhere with a pool, but the South of France stole my heart away a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I will ever get it back. 

W - Wardrobe:

If you mean what do I wear - probably best called Melbourne Utilitarian. Lots of black, cotton, wide legged trousers and loose tops. I go for comfort over fashion. Too old for real fashion, but I have my own style. 

X - X-tra facts about me:

I've learned to walk a couple of times thanks to operations on my legs when I was a kid. 

Y - Years online:

Far too many. I've been using the internet since the mid 90s. 

Z - Zodiac sign:

I'm a Leo. If you want to get more in depth, I'm a Leo/Virgo cuspy, with a Capricorn ascendant and a Cancer moon, with a five planet stellium in Virgo (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto). I hang out with astrologers. I know these things. 

Today's song: 


  1. My Australian friend also hated kids. It's difficult to understand, when I had 5!

  2. I just added Unruly to my listening queue. (although your link goes to Yellowface)
    I also have never wanted my own children.

  3. Thatś a lot of info about the Zodiac sign.
    I wonder what you can do with it.
