Friday, November 3, 2023

Ten thoughts of Today

 I'm finally starting to get better. After four full days on the couch, either hacking up a lung or feeling so awful I've been reduced to watching old episodes of Friends, finally, I'm starting to perk up a bit. 

I'm grateful to friends who drop the odd thing off to me. Jay came around this afternoon with some dry ginger ale - my drink of choice when I'm poorly. She tells me I've got COVID. The five tests I've done over the week say otherwise, but I'll let her think that. I have been flattened by this, but I'm also responding well to the antibiotics. 

Anyway, here's ten thoughts from today, which has been spent mostly on the couch . 

1) Having no appetite is a great thing, but you do have to push down a bit of food, even if it is to take medicine with. 

2) No matter how bad you feel, parcels will need to be delivered at 8.30 in the morning, to be collected from the front gate with you wearing you Elmo pyjamas. 

3) Neighbours will witness you wearing said Elmo pyjamas - it doesn't matter that you're 55-years-old. Elmo rocks. 

4) Friends hasn't aged that well. 

5) I don't mind the changes they've made in the Lessons in Chemistry series, versus the Lessons in Chemistry book. I love that an episode drops once a week. It's actually a very cool series - the changes are fine. Bree Larson is awesome. 

6) Being sick, my cat, Lucifer, has been looking after me. Well, he's been sitting on my work chair making sure I don't sit in front of a computer for too long. I can't sit in front of a computer for hours at a time, but it's nice to know he's looking out for me. 

7)  Murphy's Law states that the hot water will go to sleep just as you're wanting to get the conditioner out of your hair. Doubly so when you're needing a hot shower. Thankfully, the hot water is working again. 

8) NaNoWriMo guilt is real. I signed up to do the annual National Novel Writing Month competition, but I've been too sick to write anything. Phlegm has a great way of stripping any creativity from your bones. 

9) Lychee Oolong with Aloe pearls Bubble tea from Gong Cha is a great rehydrator and you can't make me change my mind. That dude should to a tic-toc about it. Best bubble teas.

10) The cat gets snarky when he's not allowed to sit on 'his' chair. I think he's telling me to get back on the couch. 

Today's song: 

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