Monday, December 11, 2023

Countdown to Christmas

 One of the joys of being neuro-spicy is managing your anxiety - and at this time of year, mine tends to peak.

Looking back, I've always been like this, but it never had a name. 

And the name of this condition I get in December is anxiety. Who knew? Not me. 

It's good to put a name to things. 

I've just had a mini-meltdown for not having the address of the place I'm supposed to be going to on Thursday night. Of course, I have to move my P.T. session with Twelve. I tipped him off that and all will be well, but I'm working in the office on Wednesday and I have French Conversation meetup after, and I think I'm having lunch with my Punjabi kid brother on Wednesday, and there's getting to book group listings printed, which means a trip to Officeworks sometime in the next few days, and there's working out what I have to do for Christmas, and what sort of cheesecake I'll be making and do I do a cassata as well in honour of my aunt, and of course I have next week off so I'm having my skin checked and while I'm at it I should get my annual sight and hearing checks, and I have to show around an overseas brother around the temple, and I want to make Jennifer Aniston salad, but I have to go and get parsley and hope the whipper-snipper didn't take out all of the mint from the garden downstairs this morning, and I have to put in for my flights to Darwin in February, talking of which I will be at the airport three times in three days, and do I try and find a better hotel when I'm up in Sydney for the Enaudi concert or do I stick with the Tank Stream, which is okay, but it doesn't have a bath, and I have to shore up who is taking the cat while I'm away, and should I go to the Lume while I'm on my break or just go to the Triennial, and why do people think I'm a wanker when I talk about movies and art and books and do I really have to finish this month's book group book as I hate the writing, but the story is okay I guess and do I do some baking for my stairwell neighbours - I mean they are good neighbours and....

Welcome to my head. 

Can you see why I want to sit on the couch and knit? 

At the moment I just like going for a walk, cuddling the cat and remembering to breathe - this too shall pass. 

Today's song: 

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