Sunday, December 10, 2023

No Clinkers

 Book Group can be demanding, especially at this time of the year. 

As designated book bitch (organiser) I have three tasks:

  1. Make sure there are no double ups in what books people are bringing along to book group. When you have criteria (Quality fiction, under 500 pages, easily obtainable andnot a memoir or autobiography) 
  2. Book the restaurant for our end of year meeting. (I also set up our monthly skype meetings)
  3. Bag up the lollies for the lolly vote. 

I used to ask for requests. What sweets do you want to make up your lolly bags? We normally give the waiting staff at La Camera the bulk of the lollies after the meeting (all members are provided with a rubber glove to protect the unwrapped sweets, much to the bemusement of the other diners at La Camera)

However, this year, I may be in a bit of trouble. For the life of me, I could not find any clinkers. Clinkers appear to be everybody's favourite in the group. At Victoria Gardens Coles, there were no clinkers. I've been looking for a week or so now. Nothing. And I can't be bothered going elsewhere. I pull my weight for the group. I can live without clinkers. 

I've bagged up the lollies I like tonight. The jubes, the licorice allsorts and bullets and the jelly babies. Besides, if it's going to be a hot day, the chocolate gets all melty and I have to ask the wait staff to put the lollies in the fridge.

Regardless, this task is done for another year. 

The list is set. Everybody has their choices in. Even I've settled on the books I'm putting up. It was a task. One that I was hoping to put forward Paul Murray's The Bee Sting turned out to be 600 pages long - which put it out of the running. I'm happy with my choices. Now I just have to run down to Officeworks and print the list off for the meeting. The restaurant is booked and looking forward to having us back. And the lolly bags in are in the fridge where I can't eat them, although the spares are in a bag in the freezer. 

And that is book group for another year. 

I've only been doing this for 15 years. It's still fun. It involves licorice allsorts. How can it not be fun?

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