Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Movie Review: Poor Things

 Movie Number 44 of 2023

The Movie: Poor Things 

The Cinema: The Sun Theatre, Yarraville (seen in 35 ml)

Stars: 5

File Poor Things under absolutely bonkers and absolutely brilliant. But some people are going to walk out of this. Others, like me, will stay and love every twisted minute of this treat from the fractured mind of Yorgos Lanthimos. It's an amazing tale. Yorgos Lanthimos is the director who brought us The Lobster and The Favourite. It's got all of his trademark features - a warped storyline, fantastic costumes, excellent acting and a stellar cast. Throw is some full-frontal nudity, a few tasteless (but very funny) situations and a script that makes you think, and you get this gem of a film. We also saw it at the Sun Theatre in 35mm - which brings the movie to life even more. 

Essentially, Poor Things is a re-telling of the Frankenstein story. We follow Bella Baxter (Emma Stone) as she starts her life again after being reanimated by her 'father', Godric Baxter (Willem Dafoe) your archetype mad scientist. We watch as Bella works through her new and alternative life from infancy, through childhood, to becoming her own person. 

I'm not going to say much as I don't want to ruin this for anybody. 

I will say that there are some brilliant characters who help Bella on her way. Max McCandles (Ramy Youssef) is her father's apprentice, who helps Bella acclimatise to her new life. Mark Ruffalo is fabulous as her father's lawyer come Bella's fiancé. Kathryn Hunter is marvelous as the madam at Bella's brothel, and Christopher Abbott is wonderful as Bella's odious first husband, Alfie. 

You do need to pay attention so that you can work out what is going on. 

And as I said, I'm not going to say too much about the actual plot, other than it will make you think about a lot of things. From little things like what kids get up to when they visit the parents at work, to how women stay with insufferable men. Tony Macnamara script which is an adaptation of Alastair Grey's novel is phenomenal. It's spit take and laugh out loud funny, as it is confronting and gross in places. 

There is also quite a bit of full-frontal nudity and graphic sex in this film. Ohm, and a bit of gore, but it's quick and it doesn't linger. Certainly not one to see if you're a prude. The two people next to us walked out after half an hour. I've had other friends say they had similar in the sessions they were at. 

This is Yorgos Lanthimos's masterpiece. The Favourite and The Lobster were fantastic. This is even better. Holly Waddington's costumes, the amazing, and also bonkers, sets, the photography. It's a visual feast. 

Poor Things will be up for many awards. Emma Stone, Yorgos Lanthimos, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo have already received a slew of nominations for this. 

This is up there with my favourite films of the year. Yes, I like strange films, the ones that make you think, the ones that make you laugh out loud - films that surprise you. Sure, it's not going to be everybody's cup of tea, but this is fantastic. I'll be going again in the coming weeks just to pick up more. 

Today's song:

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