Tuesday, December 26, 2023


 Packing for a car trip is completely different to packing for an interstate car trip, which is completely different to packing for work trips. 

For one, packing isn't as structured. You can take what you want, knowing there isn't a weight limit. Other things go into the car that you'd never take with you. A brick of almond milk, gluten-free bread, sugar-free tonic, coffee pods. The celery sticks may as well come with me. They will only die in the crisper while I'm away. Yes, these things are all available in South Australia, but they won't be on tap when I wake up in my parent's granny flat the next morning. It's much easier to bring my own. 

Clothing can be washed while I'm over there. But other clothes need to make their way into the bag. Bathers, as I hope to catch up with a friend down the beach. Maybe something nicer to wear out to dinner. A dressing gown for hanging out in the granny flat. Gym gear as I might take myself on the Myponga Park Run on Saturday morning. As I'm slow, somebody will have chased away the snakes on the track before I come through. 

I have to decide what book to listen to on the way over. I'll knock off my current audio book tomorrow (Anna McGahan's Immaculate - it won the Miles Franklin. I'm really impressed by it.) Will it be the Richard Flanagan, the latest Booker winner (Paul Lynch's Prophet Song) or maybe try and get into The Luminaries again - it's been years since I started it and I've never gone back. 

Then there's the cat's gear. Lucifer is coming with me. This will be the third time he's made the trip with me over to South Australia. Thankfully, he's good in the car. But carting a cat over state borders is akin to taking a toddler with you. We need his food, and bedding, and toys. The car has to be set up with his big travel cage, which he quite likes. He's got his bed and a litter box and some food. The nine-hour drive won't phase him much. Once an hour he'll ask the question, "Are we there yet?" Then he'll go back to sleep. He loves it in the granny flat. He spends the day watching the birds and butterflies. It makes a change. 

Oh, and I need to put my knitting projects in the back. As there's next to no internet down at Mum's, and the television is the terrestrial cable channels, it's good to have something to do. 

All I have to do now is stop procrastinating and get the bloody job done. 

Today's song:

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