Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fiction Prompts: One

 I really have nothing to write about tonight, so I'm going to go the fiction route. For this, I've picked a couple of prompts to write to and we will see what happens. 

The cards I've picked are: 

Archetypes: Nature Child

Enchanted Map Cards: Goblins

Cards Against Humanity: Why do I hurt all over? German dungeon porn

Oblique Strategies: Turn it upside down. 

I have up to 30 minutes to write. Let's see what comes out. 


The room was dark, but that was to be expected from the cave, as it was known to the rest of the family. Dark and dank. Since he had painted the walls navy, sticking fluorescent stars to the walls and hanging fairy lights around the window, one could only wonder if this was a goblin's lair or the room of a teenage boy. From the musty smell that emanated from the room most mornings, there was a solid case for either. 

"Ty, can you bring your washing down?"

"I don't have any."

"Look harder. And can you bring those plates and cups to the kitchen while you're at it."

A perennial battle. The detritus of a teenager, accumulating organic waste like a compost heap, waiting to be turned over in time, hoping that one day, from the stench, a fully formed man would blossom. Well, she lived in hope. 

She didn't dare go in there and take the items for herself. The space itself scared her. What would be on the monitor? Whales? Anime? German dungeon porn? She was not sure she wanted to know. 

She didn't know this stranger who stayed in his room. She couldn't understand how her dinosaur loving nature boy had turned into an incel with size 15 feet and a monosyllabic vocabulary. 

And she had no idea what she had done to make this happen. 

Today's song: 

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