Friday, January 12, 2024

Fiction Prompts: Two

 Still nothing to write about. I could write about work, but I don't do that as a blanket rule, so I will write fiction for half an hour again. 

Let's see what the prompts bring today, maybe continue on from the teenage man-cave of yesterday. 

The cards I've picked are: 

Archetypes:  The Storyteller

Enchanted Map Cards:  Flying

Cards Against Humanity:  Instead of coal, Santa now gives bad children...? A windmill full of corpses. 

Oblique Strategies: The inconsistency principle

I wonder what happened to our once near perfect child, our little storyteller. He used to sit at the end of the kitchen island, telling his tales with the exuberance of a labrador. Our smart, sweet child, who wanted to be a pilot, once he worked out he couldn't fly, which he tried so hard to do. 

He worked

Today's song: 

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