Monday, January 22, 2024

My Synoshi

 I'm trying not to buy crap off the internet - but I had a sorta minor fail.

So, I've been eyeing off one of these Synoshi things for about six months, 

A Synoshi?

It's a rotary scrubber. USB powered, handheld with interchangeable heads. 

A friend had put in and order and somehow she got two of them. She put it up there online and I bought it off her. It was a good deal. It was the right price. And I knew I was going to get it.

And I am obsessed. 

As somebody who is ambivalent to cleaning, it's something to do because I have to, not because I enjoy it, and with a shower stall with a plastic floor which stains badly, I wanted to give this a try. Anything to save me an hour of scrubbing away with a pot of gumption. 

It works. 

It really works. 

The stains from my shower stall have gone. In five minutes. With a bit of water. 

It makes cleaning fun.

I have something now that makes me like cleaning the boring bits. I'm getting a dopamine rush when I see something clean - like when the ironing pile is done for the week. 

Coming from a family of clean freaks, who have spotless houses, and always feeling judged by this, as I only got the ironing gene and generally thinking cleaning, or more to the point, tidying, is wasted time, this little implement may get me to do a bit more of the cleaning thing.

That it's removed the stains from my shower base is enough for the moment. And the skirting boards are glistening. And I've started on the oven, which is really not too bad. 

It's even got its own song. See below. 

Today's song: 

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