Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sunday Stealing: February

 It's been a good day. Brunch with a friend, followed by a trip around the LUME, and interactive space, this time devoted to Aboriginal Art, which was most excellent, then a quick bite to eat and home. A very nice Saturday of a long weekend. And now I will get these out of the way. 

Questions, as always, have been set by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What are your plans for February?

February is looking a bit busy. I've got a few things on, including: 

  • A trip to Sydney to see Ludovico Einaudi, an Italian composer and pianist, at the Sydney Opera House. 
  • While in Sydney, I'll try and get to the Kandinsky exhibition. 
  • I'm seeing the musical Rent later in the month. 
  • There's a week in Darwin for work.
  • That will do. 

2. Did you ever have or go to sleepovers as a kid?

Not really. I wasn't popular in school and didn't have that many friends. We also lived out in the back blocks, so it was hard to get in and out. 

3. Which books would you pick for a book binge?

If I was to have a full-on book binge, other than reading the Harry Potter series again, because it's been a few years, I think I'd like to revisit the Robertson Davies Cornish Trilogy or Louis de Berniere's books which start with Captain Corelli's Mandolin, then goes to Birds Without Wings, the Daniel Pitt Trilogy and the Partisan's Daughter. They are all excellent. 

4. What features do you love most about your home?

I love the location of my rented flat. It's very close to everything. I love that it's in a quiet part of town, that there are floorboards which are easy to keep clean and a big couch. 

5. How often do you try something new?

As often as possible. 

6. What type of sushi is your favorite?

Oh, give me anything with prawns in it. Spicy prawns, prawn and avocado, Katsu prawn. Love prawns in sushi rolls. 

7. Do you prefer to relax or go on adventures during vacation?

A bit of both, but then again, I see myself having adventures in city settings. Sometimes you need a toes up holiday. 

8. Which colors look best on you?

Red. I love red anyway, but red looks good on me. I can wear bright colours well. 

9. Do you like brunch?

Of course I like brunch. I live in Melbourne. Brunch is a staple for the weekends here. So many cafes, so little time. 

10. Do you get stage fright?

Not really. I'm strangely okay talking to people from a stage. Yes, I get nervous, but it doesn't stop me doing it. 

11. Which podcasts do you like at the moment?

I'm not really into podcasts, but I always have an audiobook on my phone. I'm currently listening to Henry James' Washington Square

Podcasts I've listened to in the past include My Dad Wrote a Porno, Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History and I drank up Teacher's Pet - a true crime podcast which resulted in a man going to prison - an awful story, very well told.  

12. One thing that immediately makes your day better

Coffee. And friendly dogs who let me give them a pat. Even better if they are puppies. 

13. Which family members are you closest to?

My family are not particularly close, although loving. We love all over Australia. I talk to my Mum once a week, my sister and step-sister less often. I'm also in contact with quite a few of my cousins. 

14. Something you practice often

Writing - if you count this blog as writing. 

And exercising. I do this a few times a day. 

15. Are you a light sleeper or a deep sleeper?

I'm a middling sleeper. Definitely not too light, as I will sleep through some thunderstorms, but I'm not that heavy a sleeper either. 

Today's song:


  1. I'm trying to get away with my wife, assuming she can get away from work, not a sure thing.

  2. Hi Pnad,

    I've seen the Sydney Opera House (from the bridge - which was so scary) but I would have liked to have gone inside. I've not ruled out doing it again though if and when we get to travel Down Under again.

    I look okay in red too - much less like a ghost.

    And yes - your blog is of course writing - something I practice every day too (and I need all the practice I can get :o) ).




  3. Hi Pand - sorry for calling you "Pnad" in the previous comment.

