Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Antidote

 Today wasn't the best of days. It wasn't the worst of days, but it wasn't great. 

I received some hard news around midnight last night. Nobody is dying, but some friends are having a really hard time - you never want to hear about that your friends are hurting. 

 Knowing I was going to be in the office today, I set the alarm for 7 am. I slept well, only to wake for a short time at the big thunderstorm outside. But it barely registered. 

The alarm was turned off at 7 a.m. 

The next thing I know, it was 7.45 a.m.

So, after a hurried shower, getting dressed, feeding the cat, I was out the door and off to work, arriving before 9 am, which was a good result. 

The day was hard. Not great. Not awful., But very full on. 

I left at 5.30 and collected the mail. 

On arriving at home, I fed the cat, got changed and went to the gym, giving Jay a debrief while doing some lat pull downs and leg presses.

That helped. 

But the thing that worked best, the antidote to the bad day. Baking. Tomorrow night we're having a reunion of the girls with whom I went to France. I've made a cheesecake. There is something very soothing about crushing and melting and mixing and tasting and greasing and smoothing and all the other processes it takes to make one of these. And yes, cheesecakes are very easy to make, but it feels like I've created something, done something worthwhile, been of use to the world, even if that use is to make dessert for a group of middle-aged women at a get together. 

Today's song:

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