Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tonight's dinner

 I've got a slight strain around my ribs, which is making exercising difficult. Added to this, a long day in front of the computer, I'm not up for much at the end of the day. And yes, I should haul my arse down the gym, but I'll be doing that tomorrow when I see Twelve, and yeah. 

I justified staying in with cooking myself a healthy dinner. 

It's days like this I wish I had a barbeque. Regardless, I pan-fried up some chicken thighs with a bit of garlic. Easy. Healthy. 

Jay is abroad at the moment, and she gave me the fresh vegetables in her fridge. There were three punnets of cherry tomatoes. As I'm not that keen on raw tomatoes, unless I'm in Greece, where the they come ugly, and succulent and very red and taste like apples. But any tomato can be improved by halving them, dousing them in olive oil, herbs, a bit of salt and putting them in a very slow oven for a couple of hours. 

She also gave me some cos lettuce. Not something I buy, but that was good for a change. 

And for a creamy factor, I had some goats cheese in the fridge. 

Pile it all into a bowl, the chicken thighs, the lettuce, dried tomatoes, goat's cheese and some balsamic glaze, and I had dinner. 

With some apricots, also donated by Jay, for dessert. 

I am feeling virtuous. 

The other chicken thighs are in the freezer, in a bag with some minced garlic, ginger and kepak manis (Sweetened thick soy sauce) ready to be thawed out next week. 

As I'm out tomorrow night and off to Sydney on Friday, I've cut down the food waste. Nothing was thrown in the microwave. I didn't get Uber Eats. 

And I've got some time to do some stretching while watching MAFS. Thankfully the second man-bun seems like a good sort, while the other groom appears to be emotionally stunted. Who knew?

Today's song:

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