Thursday, February 1, 2024

I hate training

 Let me qualify this. I actually like training in the exercise form. And I don't mind sitting through all sorts of training sessions. 

I really don't like delivering training. Which is what I was doing this afternoon - providing training to a lot of people online, showing them around the new system. 

It's awful. 

You have to talk for an hour - while your camera is on

And while fielding questions. 

And keeping the tone right. 

And not throwing out too many red herrings. 

And keep reiterating that the system is still being built. 

While trying to remain positive.

And keeping to the time limit. 

And yeah...

Coming out of the session all I wanted was a gin and tonic.

Some say I'm good at it. 

Personally, I'm not so sure. 

Today's song: 

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