Thursday, February 8, 2024

And so it starts

 Tonight, Twelve announced that he was leaving the gym in a month. 

My first notion was to ask why he had to tell me that when I was leg pressing around 150 kilos. Piss off a woman, why don't you. 

"Was it something I said?" I asked.

"Nope, I've just got a better offer."

"One that doesn't have the exorbitant personal trainer buy in." My gym is well known for screwing over the personal training crew. 

"Something like that."

He's been working around the suburb at other gyms, and he's been offered a stable gig at one of the other places. One without the horrific fees to the trainers. 

"So, now what?" I asked. 

"I'll keep training you until I leave. After than, if you want to follow me to the other gym, we can see what works."


He continued. "The good thing is at the other gym there'll be no gym fees to you."

"Okay." That might be something. "It's a good opportunity for you."

"And it's more of a strength gym, which is more my thing."

This is the personal trainer who says he doesn't do cardio. He's also big into his strength training. Hell, he's even got me into heavy deadlifts. He had me pumping 40 kilos on the bench press tonight. 


"And you want us to come with you."

"That would be good."

"So, you like having two malevolent aunt substitutes around the place."

"You make me laugh. And you tell me what to do."

Today's advice was don't get into Bitcoin. And don't become a no-neck (term for grunty-boy weight lifter who ends up bulking up his shoulders that much that he loses his neck to muscles.)

Jay and I must be good for something. 

As to whether we're in the market for a new personal trainer - we will see. Jay's overseas until the weekend, I'm in Darwin next week. He's fun to have around. 

Today's song:

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