Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wont do that again in a hurry

 Middle-aged Issue Number 215: Medication

I had a lousy sleep last night. Which is unlike me. I'm normally a pretty good sleeper. Shove on the fan if it's warm, a drop of lavender oil on the pillow if sleep is being elusive, but generally, I get my six hour of sleep pretty easily. 

Not last night.

I was complaining about this to my similarly aged workmate today. 

P: Forgive me if I'm a bit grumpy. I didn't sleep well.

Workmate: What happened? The cat keep you up?

P: No, I forgot to take my blood pressure meds yesterday morning. Only worked this out late, so I took them around 9 p.m. Thing is, there's a diuretic element to the tablet - I had to get up to piss like a racehorse every two hours. Not happy. 

My workmate laughed. It appears they have a supplement they take for a condition which they have to take in the morning too. If it's after 3 pm they're up all night too. 

Middle aged is a bitch. 

Thankfully, the pill was taken at 8 a.m. this morning and I'm hoping that I'll have a better night's sleep. 

At least I don't have a CPAP machine. One of the joys of watching MAFS was seeing one of the older couples with his CPAP machine. Dead sexy. 

Mind you, it's a lot more palatable than Man-Bun One's veneers. 

I get you want healthy, straight teeth. 

What I don't get is why you might want them to shine like a lighthouse. 

Truly awful. 

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