Friday, February 16, 2024

Damn you, Taylor Swift

I'm not a Swiftie, and that's okay. Other people can be Swifties if it makes them happy. I don't dislike her - I just can't see what the fuss is about. 

I didn't hold any animosity towards her before tonight, and even now, it's a feeling of irritation, rather than rage. 

But I'm still blaming Taylor Swift for my delayed return to Melbourne today. 

First up, my and a bit hour flight back from Darwin ended up being well over four and a half hours. The airlines, in their wisdom, put on extra flights for the Taylor Swift concerts here in Melbourne, meaning my flight was sent into a 30-minute holding pattern around Lake Eildon. 

Then getting into the airport, my bag went walkabout. I waited for the carousel for half an hour. Bags came and went. I walked over the baggage services counter and asked about my bag. The woman at the desk said that the bag had been scanned through and that I should keep an eye on the belt. It would be in soon. 

20 minutes later, still no bag. I went back to Baggage Services to state my claim. I was served by somebody else. Told of my standing around like I was waiting for a non-existent date for nearly an hour now. He looked at his screen, verified that the bag had made it to Melbourne, but agreed that waiting for it for nearly an hour was a bit much. 

"I will see what I can do. Blame Taylor Swift," he told me. 

"What did she do, other than send people ga-ga?" I asked. 

"Her concert made the airlines put on a heap of extra flights and the place has gone mad. We're not used to so many people around here."


He went off in search of my errant bag, arriving back ten minutes later with the recalcitrant item.

"The baggage handlers put it on the wrong carousel. Sorry for the wait."

I was now an hour late to go pick up Lucifer. 

The Taylor Swift Concert meant had to go another way to my friend's place. There was no way on God's green earth I was going anywhere near Swan Street. 

We extracted the cat from his cupboard at my friend's place. It was his choice to sit there, and he seemed happy enough - and now we are home, after another half hour drive. 

But I would have been home two hours before if it wasn't for Taylor Swift. 

Regardless, I hope all of those who've forked out money to see her enjoyed/enjoy themselves.

Me, I'll save my funds for Pearl Jam with Glen Hansard AND The Pixies in November. 

Today's song:


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