Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sunday Stealing - Music

It's Saturday. I'm knackered as I got back late from my return trip to Darwin. As much as I enjoy going up there for these weeks, they really are draining. But I'm back home now with my very needy cat, trying to get some energy back. It's nice to be home. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing. These are my sorts of questions.

Name a song that...

1. You enjoy, in another language.

Funny how this is the first question. We were only talking about something like this at work as I was leaving for the airport in Darwin yesterday. There are a lot of French songs that I enjoy, but this one has history. It's all over the place and makes me happy. (Ca Plane Pour Moi). This just pips Nena's 99 Luft Ballons.

2. Recently introduced you to a new singer.

I know she's been around for a while, but the song Bad Guy put me onto Billie Eilish. I like a lot of her stuff. She's ace. I love how in this song she mixes in the sound that our pedestrian crossings make as you cross the road. 

3. You listen to energize yourself.

There is no way you can't not dance to his gem. Uptown Funk has to be sung with the slightly blue lyrics, but I love this to pick me up. 

4. Is your favorite song from a musical.

I'm not really a musical person, or if I do like a musical, it's normally one that's a bit obscure. However, I do love the old-style musicals that we used to watch as kids on the television on Saturday afternoons. This is one of those songs. 

5. Reminds you of an old love

Ah, I could put this song in so many categories, but this song has a lot of memories attached to it. it's probably why it's been my favorite song for over forty years. 

6. Make you think of one of your children

I don't have children, so I can't have a song that reminds me of them. 

7. Makes you smile when you hear it.

I'm a bit of an 80's music freak, so anything from the eighties normally goes down well with me. There are a lot of songs that make me smile from this era. But this one gets to me, because you can dance to it - and they are a great band.

8. You love but is quite unknown

Not many of my group know about Alt-J, an English electronic band that I discovered many years ago while I was in Geetangeli's favourite cafe down Cuba Street. I'd love to see them live. 

Another song came to be via the show Suits. I adore this song. I know nothing else from them, but this song by the Eagle Rock Singers is fantastic. Suits had the best music. 

This song was also another one that came off the Suits soundtrack. It's magic.

9. That annoys you.

I have quite a few artists that I don't need to hear again. These artists include Ed Sheeran and Adele, particularly the latter. Ed Sheeran I tolerate more easily. I'm told he puts on a great show. But I never need to hear this next song ever again. It's just not for me. 

There are a few songs in this bucket, including James Blunt's You're Beautiful and INXS's The Swing album. These have been overplayed - don't need to hear them any more. 

10. That your parents used to listen to.

I don't remember my parents playing much music when I was a kid. I know they had a record collection, but they weren't like me with this almost cellular need for music in my life. I am the person who sings along to Coles Radio (our local supermarket has a radio station in house - it's great). But I know Dad liked Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack, so I've picked this song. I know it would have been in their record collection. 

11. From your early years of childhood

This song came out in 1970. I was two-years-old in 1970. This song also could have gone in the songs to be played loud. Australia has some fantastic music. The was the start of our local music getting out there. 

12. That has a color in the title.

This is another song from my childhood. I remember it playing when we were on one of those everlasting road trip holidays we used to take as a family, when you're out the back of nowhere trying to search for a radio station. Tape decks, streaming and iPods were not available them. 

13. That needs to be played loud.

There are a lot of bands I like to play loud, but one that comes immediately to mind is The Pogues. Shane MacGowan, heaven help his soul, is just the lead man to have you singing the lyrics loud. 

You also can't play AC/DC quietly. It's against the rules around here. 

14. That is perfect for a road trip.

I listen to audiobooks on long road trips, as it's good to have somebody to a story. 

But I'm a big one for music you know and love. Any eighties or nineties mixed playlists are the way to go. And it wouldn't be the 80s or 90s without George Michael. 

15. That reminds you of yourself.

I'm a hopeless romantic at heart. This sorta reminds me of me. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    #1. Ha Ha - I love Ca plane pour moi. A great bit of Belgian punk.

    #7. Industrial Disease is a wonderful song with funny lyrics. "Love Over Gold" is my favourite album by Dire Straits and I think Telegraph Road from that album is their magnum opus.

    #11 - What a great song. I've never heard it before. I've added it to my Spotify playlist. And yes, Australia does have some great music.




  2. Ronson, Day, Dire Straits, Sinatra, and Donovan could have been on my list. But my last song was ALSO Kermit!

  3. I giggled at Kermit's song. That was a cute movie too. I have it on DVD.
    Fun post.
