Friday, March 15, 2024

Another day to the weekend

I want another day to the weekend. 

I want a day where I don't feel obligated to do anything. Not that I am obligated to do anything, but I want to feel unincumbered. 

And I look at what I've got on this weekend. 

Tonight, I'm chilling. I've been to IKEA to buy a big glass. I washed the car, because it was filthy and it was doing my head in.

Tomorrow, I have meditation. After that, there’s nothing really on, but I know that I want to start going through this novel, and I’ve got some other paperwork to do, not that I really want to be spending the weekend in front of the computer, but it needs to be done.

And Sunday, I will go to the gym in the morning as I always do, and then maybe meet up with Jonella in the afternoon.

But I would love a day for myself. With nobody to talk to, I could be left alone with my thoughts.

It’s been a full-on week. Maybe an early night will do the trick.

In the meantime, I will continue to Wage War with my cat, who has decided that I cannot sit at my computer chair. He’s been at me for an hour to get off it, so he can go to sleep.

I’m having to write this on my phone.

Today’s song: 

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