Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Audition

 Jay and I are auditioning for a new personal trainer, seeing our darling, Twelve, has up and left us. We could have gone with him to the other gym, but we already fork out money to go to this one, and we do classes there, it seems silly to go to another gym to see a trainer. We were supposed to see Twelve tonight, but he was off having his arm tattooed today. 

Anyway, we're looking for a new trainer. 

Twelve has recommended this young fellow, who is younger than he is, but reckons we'll get on well with him. I'm meeting him tomorrow morning, but he's not off to a good start. Jay met with him today. Twelve told him we were there for the social. Also, he's 21 and has a really dodgy moustache. According to Jay, he's into lots of fist bumps, and "awesomes!". I'll let you know how I get on. 

The other person recommended to us by Cleo, our Monday trainer, is Chuck. 

Chuck's a bit older - as in over thirty. He's also been at the gym for years. 

I approached him in the gym tonight.

"Hey, mate. Are you taking new clients at the moment?"


"You up for a chat when you're finished."


Twelve reckoned he wasn't taking anybody on. He was wrong. 

So,we've had the chat. 

Chuck appears to be imminently sensible. I told him I liked the fact he's been around for years - so you get some stability. 

I let him know that both Jay and I wanted to keep moving - challenge us without breaking us. 

Yes, he could do that. I've watched him train others - including our semi-regular training buddy Giles. I like what he's doing. 

Secondly, he appears to know how to listen. In our ten-minute chat I found out he has a fiancé who's a writer. She's knocked him into shape. So, if we tell him we don't jump or do burpees, he will listen. 

Thirdly, I think he likes that we are the sorts of clients who turn up and pay on time. That's one of the hard things about being a PT in a big gym. 

He asked why I liked his training style. 

"Well, firstly, you're not a child."

He liked that. 

We'll see where things go. It will mean changing my gym night from Thursday to Wednesday - but I also reckon we'd get more out of him. 

I hate this auditioning phase. You just get a PT house-trained and they leave you.

Today's song: 

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