Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Warning

I fished two speeding fine notifications on the same day out of my post box back in January. 

There was no way I was getting out of one of them. I was stopped by the cops doing 75 in a 60 zone the other side of Coonalpyn in South Australia. $541 and three demerit points. This stung a bit as I hadn't had a speeding ticket in well over 15 years. I took the fine, was polite to the cop, stated that I was in the wrong and sucked it up. You're not going to get out of a mid-range speeding fine when a cop picks you up. 

The other one was from a speed and re-light camera up the road outside of MLC. It was dated the 18th of December. It said I was doing 47 in a 40 zone. But this was:

  • In a school zone
  • And the school was closed. 
My cousin, who's knows a thing or two about this, told me to contest the fine on the grounds of a near perfect driving record and the fact that the school was shut. I mean, Methodist Ladies College the week before Christmas is not going to be open. 

The forms were submitted, the contention raised. The fine was put on hold until the fine contest was reviewed. 

I cleared the mailbox tonight. The decision came in. 

They've expunged the fine and given me back my demerit point and let me off with a warning. I have to keep my nose clean, driving wise for two years before I can contest a fine again, but I'm off the hook financially and my demerit points don't look as bad. 

I promise to be good. I'm a safe driver. I do obey the speed limits (in South Australia I thought I was out of the 60 zone. Coonalpyn is a very long town.)

This made my day. 

And the law has seen a bit of sense. 

Today's song:

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