Monday, March 18, 2024

Today's Earworm

 I'm working out in my underwear in the lounge room. The underwear is really just long-legged knickers, but they look like bike shorts, and when your trainer is in Barcelona on a phone, it doesn't matter. Saves on washing. 

We were talking about Cleo's pending trip to Morocco, when her daughters join her in Spain in a few months. She's got a start and an end point, landing in Tangiers and leaving from Marrakesh and what goes on in between is up for discussion. 

"We might go on a tour, camp in the Sahara," she was saying.

Well, that sounds fun. Cleo has been to Morocco before. Jay, who was on the other window of the call, has also been. I'm just doing my back lunges and feeling a bit jealous. 

"And we'll spend time in Casablanca..." she went on.  

Oh, Casablanca. I so want to go to Casablanca, just as much as I want to go to Zanzibar. Yes, I know, one is in Morocco, the other in Tanzania. But Casablanca conjures up a different time, with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and a throng of French extras singing the Marseilles. (The story is amazing - at the time this was filled, France and Germany were at war, the tears and the feeling were unscripted.)

And no, the Marseilles is not my earworm. I wish it was. 

Cleo went on as we continued to sweat it out in the lounge. 

"And then we might go down to Agadir," she said. 

"Agadir!" exclaimed Jay, "Agadir's a shit hole. Agadir's the place the British go to play golf and complain."

It could be said that most of Europe which has a bit of sunshine is where Britains go to play golf and whinge, but year. 

I'd remained quiet, happily doing my pushups and Russian Twists and couch slams. 

"You know, something that came out of Agadir was the song Agadoo."

There, I said it. 

The genie was out of the bottle. 

The song firmly planted in my head. 

And I know this is an awful song, but I have good memories of singing it to our dog, as she was Sheba-Do and she loved it. 

Still, I have this stupid song going round in my head, all because of a conversation about Cleo's holiday plans.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagadoo doo doo....

Today's song: 

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