Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Stealing:

 It's Saturday night and I'm getting the weekly questions out of the way. It's been a nicely chilled day and now it's time to get some admin done - and the Sunday questions, which have been provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing. They are good questions, this week. 

1. What ONE thing would you change about your life? How would your life be different?

I would love a metabolism which was a lot faster. I love to eat. Menopause has taken what was an already sluggish metabolism and made it even slower. It sucks badly. I have to be very careful about what I eat. If I didn't keep track of things, I'd be the size of an even bigger house. 

2.  What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Why was it hard for you? What did you learn?

I remember taking part in my first half marathon. I wasn't prepared for it, but my mate Reindert helped me along the 21 kilometre track. It was hard because I am not a natural runner, nor was I fully prepared for this (I've run five of these events, and they did get easier, especially when I'd trained for them properly). I learned that I can do anything I put my mind to that day. It was even more important to me  as I was always the fat, slow, unfit kid at school - this undid years of negative self-talk. 

3. Write about the most glorious moment in your life so far.

I'm a history nerd. As I was about to leave England in 1999, I went to Westminster Abbey to say goodbye. I got chatting to one of the vergers, who took me up to the tomb of Edward the Confessor, something you can see from a distance. I got the area to myself. It was glorious. 

I've been lucky - I've had lots of little moments like this. 

4. Write about a moment you felt brave.

I feel brave every time I start a new job. Seeing I do this regularly, I'm getting used to it, I do have to summon up some courage each time I walk into a new company. You never know what it is going to be like. 

5. What made you happy today?

I had two lots of meditation today - my normal Kabbalah meditation in the morning, and Drone Sound meditation at lunchtime. For the latter session I found a park easily and a cricket joined in the action. I was very good for me, mind, body and spirit. 

6. What did you dislike most about growing up?

A lot of it. My childhood wasn't the easiest. But looking back the think I don't like most about growing up is that you have to be an adult. I don't like being an adult that much. 

7. Write about five activities you love the most and why you love them.

Things I love to do:

  1. I love swimming, because I feel completely myself in the water. 
  2. I love writing, because that is my vocation
  3. I love going to cinema and the theatre, because I love being immersed in somebody else's story. 
  4. I love being around animal, because we get each other. 
  5. I love traveling, because I love learning about new places and cultures and people. 

8. Do you have an embarrassing moment that still makes you cringe?

Yes, but I don't feel like talking about them here. There are many of them. I'm just thankful I've grown up a bit. 

9. What has been your best trip so far?

I think my trip to England and France late last year will go down as the best trip ever. Loved every minute of my three weeks away. 

10. What traits (physical or personal) do people notice when they meet you for the first time?

I really couldn't tell you. Some people notice my eyes or the fact that I have long curly hair. Some notice that I'm big. May people look at me and think that I'm approachable - this probably has something to do with the fact that I have an open face. Charity muggers think I'm wonderful as I rarely tell them where to go. 

11.  Is social media a blessing or a curse?

25% blessing, 75% curse. Depends on the day and who you're fighting with over Twitter. 

12. What is your greatest hope for your future? What steps can you take to make it happen?

I hope that I stay happy and healthy and gainfully employed and that I can participate in everything I like doing for years to come. 

13.  What did you struggle most with today?

Procrastination, even though I got a lot done today, could have done more. That was about it. Had a few shifts in what I was going to do - Jonella cancelled, which was fine. I went to see a movie only to find out I'd booked a ticket for Tuesday. Ah well. I did some writing and a lot of housework. 

14.  Name the biggest priority in your life right now.

I'm getting started on the second draft of a book I'm writing. This is a big deal as I've never done anything of length to a second draft. And it is doing my head in. But I really want to do this to prove to myself that I can. 

15. What are 5 things you wish others knew about you.

I'm pretty open about myself but here are some useless things about me that you might want to know: 

  • I can't do cross stitch, but I can do tapestry. I love handicrafts. 
  • I would eat potatoes every day if I could. 
  • I prefer vanilla over chocolate 99 times out of 100. 
  • I take a size nine (Euro 40) shoe. I used to be an 8.5 (39) for most of my adult life, but menopause and age does that to you. 
  • I love the smell of cat's and dog's paws, preferably in the morning. 

Today's song:


  1. #1 The weight thing is really true of me. I lost 30 pounds two years ago, and I always have to worry about it coming back, especially with the neuropathy in my feet.

    Social media bugs me. For example, JEOPARDY fans are shocked, shocked, and scolded that three contestants couldn't name the kingdom in The Princess Diaries. It's Genovia, which I didn't remember even though I saw the movie (and its sequel) and I didn't remember it either, and I once won on J! But I'll bet there were LOTS of questions the players knew, but the fans did not.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Yup - I have the same problem with weight now I'm older. I usued to be a stick insect that could gorge on junk but now I have to be very very careful. I'm overweight (slightly) but could do with losing half a stone.

    Good luck with the book.




  3. I don't believe I have ever smelled our cat's paws before! That fun fact made me chuckle!
