Thursday, March 7, 2024

Death by Spreadsheet

 Today I was subjected to Death by Spreadsheet.

It had to be done. 

I've had four days of this. I'm over it. 

I'm seeing little boxes all over the place. 

I have told many people over the years that I am very good at reconciling shit. Call it my Virgoan nature. (What, you say, but you're a Leo! I have five planets in Virgo and a Capricorn rising. I'm Virgoan when it comes to lists and reconciliations). 

I am very good at reconciling things. 

But I hate it. 

Death by spreadsheet is one of the most insidious things in the modern corporate world. 

There are some sadistic bastards who think spreadsheets are fun. 

I, for example, thing spreadsheets are fun. I love things like v-lookups and pivot tables and all the funny things you can do in excel.

Just not for four days straight.

So, I've had my will to love depleted and, in direct correlation to the want to curl up in the foetal position on the couch, rise exponentially. 

However, I'm due at the airport in an hour and a half, and I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep on the plane. I'm at least getting better than that. I'll be home by 11 am tomorrrow, all going well. 

But I'm sure I will be pressing Ctrl-V and Ctrl-X in my dreams. 

And I must remember my Chromecast. 

Thank goodness for the long weekend. 

I will write the post I really want to write (and publish on Substack) soon. 

Today's song:


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