Friday, March 8, 2024

One Day

I've just finished binge watching One Day, a series on Netflix. 

And I am destroyed. Particularly by the last episode, which I bawled through without stopping. 

One Day tells the story of Emma and Dexter, who meet on St Swithins Day 1988. The pair spend the night together but "nothing happens" and they agree to become friends. The 14 episode series looks at their lives together every St Swithins Day for the next 20 years.

I will not put any spoilers in this post. 

Regardless, this show, adapted from David Phillip's book of the same name is excellent. This was made into a movie with Anne Hathaway as Emma and Tom Jim Sturgess in 2011. The series craps all over the movie. The book has always been good. Ambika Mod is wonderful as the pernickety Emma and Leo Woodall is perfect as the pretty man-boy, Dexter. 

What really got me about this show was how it got the times so right. From that first meeting at a party in Edinburgh, to their life and times in London. From the crappy flats and bad boyfriends to the wide boy acts, to the being in your twenties and not having a clue... this show is absolutely on point. 

The soundtrack is also incredible, using staples from then late eighties through the nineties and into the early noughties, it's just perfect. 

And I've been left destroyed. 

For me, having lived most of my 20s in London at that time, it brought everything back. From the fast friends to the bad flats, to the nights out. 

But most of all, it brought back my Dexter. The eternal one that got away, the one that you know, if things were different, and if either of you had a spine, that you might just have been that one person in their life. We didn't meet at a party on the last day of university. We never did sleep together, but there were a lot of those longing looks. For many years we were never out of each other's lives, not that we are now, or have been for a few years. One Day bought all of this back. The joys of deep platonic friendships are some of the most memorable that you will have. 

This is worth a watch. It's so well done, even if the last episode will have you going through the tissues. 

Today's song:

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