Saturday, March 9, 2024

Sunday Stealing: From Friday Five

 I find it funny that we are going through the hottest days of the year to date. Today and for the next two days, we're expecting it to get up to around 40 degrees celcius - or 104 in the old language. I've just spent a week in Darwin, where the temperature doesn't get much below 32 C (90 F) with 80-90 percent humidity. I can only dream of winter at the moment. It will cool down from Tuesday, but the house will remain hot for a bit. 

Also. as I've been away for a week, my ironing pile is huge, so it's my old thing of doing a question, then ironing a piece of clothing. And don't tell me not to iron my duvet cover. It feels better. I will always iron the duvet cover and pillowcases. 

I best get on with this - there is a lot of ironing to do.

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1) What is your favorite thing about winter?

Everything. Winter is my favorite season. I love that you get to stay in bed longer and you can snuggle up under the covers. I love not being hot. I love the rain and the occasional storm. I love that you can eat heartier warm meals. There is so much to love about Winter. Pity it's three months away. 

2) What is your favorite winter sport?

Australian Rules Football. It's played from March to September. Great game. For those who aren't from Australia, here's a quick explainer. And yes, I live about 30 minutes walk away from the MCG where 100,000 people will turn up to the Grand Final. 

I also like cricket. And I can explain that too. 

3) What is the best winter treat?

I love winter foods. Nothing is better than a roast dinner on a cold night, with a hot pudding to follow. Just think Christmastime in cold countries. We do Christmas in July over here so we can eat winter foods when the weather is better suited for it. 

4) What is the earliest time in the year it ever snowed where you live?

It doesn't snow in Melbourne, but it does snow in the mountains inland. I think May is the earliest it's snowed up there. Sometimes there will be a dusting of snow in the hills around Melbourne, but it doesn't settle. 

5) What is the best way to stay warm in the winter?

I love open fires. Can't get enough of them in winter. Unfortunately, I don't have one in my place, but I enjoy them when I can. 

6) What are your favorite things that are paper?

I have lots of notebooks that I've collected over the years. 

7) What are your favorite things that are cotton?

My favourite cotton are my bed linen. All of it is 100% cotton and very soft to the touch.

I also like my Darwin wardrobe, which if it isn't 100% cotton, is bamboo or linen. It's nice and cool.

8) What are your favorite things that are leather?

Favourite leather items - oh, that's my Doc Martens. I've had them for nearly 30 years. I've looked after them. My wallet (purse) is made of Italian leather too. It's an Israeli brand called MyWalit. I love their stuff. 

9) What are your favorite things that are floral?

I don't do many florals, but I have a light cotton dressing gown with big flowers on it. It's great to wear. I wore it while I was on the writer's retreat as another layer (I left my jacket behind) and was told I looked like a benevolent cult leader. 

10) What are your favorite things that are wood?

Trees. Trees are great. 

11) If you think your house is haunted, what should you do?

Call a ghostbuster. Who else are you going to call? Oh, and try talking to it. You never know what they might tell you. 

12) When should you investigate a strange noise in your basement?

Probably, but I'd find a big, strong, hairy bloke to do that for me. 

13) How do you know if an abandoned building is safe to visit?

I have no idea. We don't have many of those around here. 

14) How do you decide whether to solve a problem as a team, or split up and go it alone?

That depends on the problem. Mind you, it's asking you to decide this, so surely it's telling you to go it alone. Nothing ever gets solved by a committee. 

15) Where do you store your knives and where would you look if one was missing?

My knives are kept either in the cutlery drawer or in the knife block on top of the microwave. If I can't find one, I look in the sink or on the draining board. 

Today's song:


  1. Trees ARE great because they are so diverse - weeping willows, oak, Japanese maple, et al.

  2. Yes! Call a ghostbuster is a great answer!!!
